请解释Virtual circuits
时间: 2023-03-30 22:01:37 浏览: 159
Virtual circuits 是一种网络通信协议,它通过在网络中建立逻辑连接来实现数据传输。在建立连接之前,通信双方需要先协商一些参数,如连接的 ID、传输速率等。一旦建立了连接,数据就可以通过这个虚拟的通道进行传输。与之相对的是 Datagram 网络,它不需要建立连接,直接将数据分成小块进行传输。
sequential circuits
Sequential circuits are types of circuits in digital electronics that use memory elements or feedback to maintain a state or history of past inputs. These circuits are used for various applications, such as storage and timing, and are commonly implemented using flip flops and registers. They are an essential component in the design of digital systems and are used in many electronic devices, including computers, smartphones, and digital cameras.
microelectronic circuits