nuxt BScroll
时间: 2023-09-05 15:11:44 浏览: 121
Nuxt.js is a framework for building Vue.js applications. BScroll, on the other hand, is a library that provides a custom scrollbar for web applications. It is often used with frameworks like Nuxt.js to enhance scrolling functionality.
To use BScroll with Nuxt.js, you can follow these steps:
1. Install BScroll as a dependency in your Nuxt.js project:
npm install bscroll --save
2. Import BScroll in your Nuxt.js component:
import BScroll from 'bscroll'
3. Initialize BScroll in the `mounted` lifecycle hook of your component:
mounted() {
this.scroll = new BScroll(this.$refs.wrapper)
4. Add a wrapper element in your template and provide a ref for it:
<div ref="wrapper">
<!-- Your content here -->
With these steps, you should be able to use BScroll for custom scrollbars in your Nuxt.js application. Remember to adjust the configuration and styling of BScroll according to your specific needs.