vector<C>::value_type n2(13);中的<c>代表什么
时间: 2024-05-30 16:10:12 浏览: 56
在这个语句中,`<C>`是一个模板参数,用于指定`vector`容器存储的元素类型。`vector`是C++ STL标准库中的一个容器,它可以存储任何类型的对象。在这个例子中,`C`是一个占位符,可以被具体的类型替换。例如,如果我们想要创建一个存储整数的`vector`,就可以将`C`替换为`int`,即`vector<int>::value_type n2(13);`。
veh_version=2002; % version of ADVISOR for which the file was generated veh_proprietary=0; % 0=> non-proprietary, 1=> proprietary, do not distribute veh_validation=0; % 0=> no validation, 1=> data agrees with source data,
2=> data matches source data except for minor deviation(s) veh_description='Sample vehicle file for ADVISOR'; % one line description of the vehicle veh_mfr='Generic'; % manufacturer's name veh_model='Sample Vehicle'; % vehicle model name veh_class='Small Car'; % EPA size class veh_year=2002; % model year veh_cold_tmp=20; % Cold engine temperature (C) veh_warm_tmp=95; % Warm engine temperature (C) veh_hot_tmp=105; % Hot engine temperature (C) veh_emis=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Vector of emissions index (g/mi) [HC CO NOx PM H2O N2O CO2 CH4 NMHC] veh_glider_mass=1000; % Vehicle mass w/o propulsion system (kg) veh_CD=0.32; % Coefficient of aerodynamic drag veh_FA=1.9; % Vehicle frontal area (m^2) veh_starter='Integr'; % Starter type ('Integr' or 'Standalone') veh_idle_spd=700; % Idle speed (rpm) veh_cargo_mass=0; % Cargo mass (kg) veh_passenger_mass=[75 0]; % Passenger mass (kg/person) [driver, passenger] veh_wheelbase=2.5; % Vehicle wheelbase (m) veh_track=1.5; % Vehicle track (m) veh_cargo_cp=[0 0.5 0]; % Cargo center of gravity (m) [X Y Z] veh_passenger_cp=[0.5 0.5 0]; % Passenger center of gravity (m) [X Y Z] veh_front_wt_frac=0.6; % Fraction of vehicle weight on front axle veh_rear_wt_frac=0.4; % Fraction of vehicle weight on rear axle veh_wheel_front_radius=0.3; % Front wheel radius (m) veh_wheel_rear_radius=0.3; % Rear wheel radius (m) veh_gear_ratio=[2.4 1.5 1 0.7 0.5]; % Gear ratios veh_gb_eff=[0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95]; % Gearbox efficiency veh_final_drive_ratio=3.5; % Final drive ratio veh_fd_eff=0.95; % Final drive efficiency veh_inertia=0; % Vehicle rotational inertia (kg-m^2) veh_acc_grade=0; % Vehicle acceleration grade (deg) veh_max_grade=10; % Maximum grade (deg) veh_road_load=[100 0 0 0]; % Road load coefficients [a b c d] (N) at 100 kph veh_tire='205/55R16'; % Tire size (example: '205/60R15') veh_num_of_pax=1; % Number of passengers in the vehicle veh_fuel_type='Gasoline'; % Fuel type (example: 'Diesel', 'Gasoline', 'Hybrid') veh_fuel_den=0.749; % Fuel density (kg/l) veh_fuel_lhv=43.0; % Fuel lower heating value (MJ/kg) veh_fuel_frac=[0.85 0.15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % Fuel composition [C H O N S AR CO2 H2O N2 O2] (mass fraction) veh_fuel_tank=60; % Fuel tank capacity (l) veh_mech_brake=1; % Mechanical braking system (1=>yes, 0=>no) veh_regenerative_braking=1; % Regenerative braking system (1=>yes, 0=>no) veh_coolant_fluid='water'; % Engine coolant fluid type (example: 'water', 'ethylene glycol') veh_coolant_cap=3; % Engine coolant capacity (l) veh_oil_cap=4.3; % Engine oil capacity (l) veh_oil_type='SAE 5W-30'; % Engine oil type (example: 'SAE 5W-30') veh_oil_fluid='oil'; % Engine oil fluid type (example: 'oil', 'synth oil') veh_trans_fluid='oil'; % Transmission fluid type (example: 'oil', 'synth oil') veh_trans_cap=2.5; % Transmission fluid capacity (l) veh_clutch_type='Dry'; % Clutch type (example: 'Dry', 'Wet') veh_regen_brake_type='Electric'; % Regenerative braking type (example: 'Electric', 'Hydraulic')