细菌觅食算法matlab,科学网—细菌觅食算法 - 向峥嵘的博文
时间: 2023-10-11 12:07:15 浏览: 245
细菌觅食算法(Bacteria Foraging Optimization,BFO)是一种模拟生物细菌在觅食过程中释放化学物质进行信息交流和寻找食物的行为方式,用于解决优化问题。该算法的主要步骤包括初始化细菌群体、计算每个细菌的适应度、更新细菌位置和适应度,并进行化学信息素的释放和传播。
% Bacteria Foraging Optimization Algorithm
% Author: Zhengrong Xiang
% Date: 2018-05-16
clear all; clc;
% Parameters initialization
N_bac = 50; % Number of bacteria
N_cha = 4; % Number of chemotactic steps
N_rea = 2; % Number of reproduction steps
N_eli = 1; % Number of elimination-dispersal events
N_dim = 2; % Number of dimensions
N_org = 3; % Number of chemotactic and reproduction attractant/release parameters
N_steps = N_cha + N_rea; % Total number of steps
% Initialization of the bacterial population
X_min = [-5,-5]; % Lower bound of the search space
X_max = [5,5]; % Upper bound of the search space
X_bac = repmat(X_min,N_bac,1) + repmat((X_max - X_min),N_bac,1) .* rand(N_bac,N_dim);
J_bac = zeros(N_bac,1); % Fitness value of the bacteria
J_best = inf; % Best fitness value
X_best = zeros(1,N_dim); % Best solution
% Initialization of the chemotactic and reproduction attractant/release parameters
A = repmat([0.1,0.2,0.3],N_bac,1); % Attractant
C = repmat([0.1,0.2,0.3],N_bac,1); % Repellent
S = repmat([0.1,0.2,0.3],N_bac,1); % Orientation
% Main loop
for i = 1:N_steps
% Chemotaxis
for j = 1:N_bac
% Compute the fitness value of the bacteria
J_bac(j) = sum(X_bac(j,:).^2);
% Update the bacteria position
X_bac(j,:) = X_bac(j,:) + S(j,:) .* randn(1,N_dim);
% Check the boundary conditions
X_bac(j,:) = max(X_bac(j,:),X_min);
X_bac(j,:) = min(X_bac(j,:),X_max);
% Update the chemotactic and reproduction attractant/release parameters
if i <= N_cha
A = A + 0.2 .* randn(N_bac,N_org);
C = C + 0.2 .* randn(N_bac,N_org);
A = A - 0.2 .* randn(N_bac,N_org);
C = C - 0.2 .* randn(N_bac,N_org);
A = max(A,0);
C = max(C,0);
% Reproduction
for j = 1:N_bac
% Compute the fitness value of the bacteria
J_bac(j) = sum(X_bac(j,:).^2);
% Compute the attractant and repellent of the bacteria
D_a = sum((repmat(X_bac(j,:),N_bac,1) - X_bac).^2 .* repmat(A(j,:),N_bac,1),2);
D_c = sum((repmat(X_bac(j,:),N_bac,1) - X_bac).^2 .* repmat(C(j,:),N_bac,1),2);
% Compute the probability of reproduction
P_r = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-0.2.*(D_a - D_c)));
% Update the bacteria position
X_bac(j,:) = X_bac(j,:) + S(j,:) .* randn(1,N_dim);
% Check the boundary conditions
X_bac(j,:) = max(X_bac(j,:),X_min);
X_bac(j,:) = min(X_bac(j,:),X_max);
% Elimination-dispersal
if mod(i,N_steps/N_eli) == 0
% Compute the fitness value of the bacteria
for j = 1:N_bac
J_bac(j) = sum(X_bac(j,:).^2);
% Sort the bacteria in ascending order of fitness value
[J_bac,idx] = sort(J_bac);
X_bac = X_bac(idx,:);
% Disperse the least fit bacteria
X_bac(1,:) = X_min + rand(1,N_dim) .* (X_max - X_min);
% Reset the chemotactic and reproduction attractant/release parameters of the dispersed bacteria
A(1,:) = A(idx(1),:) + 0.2 .* randn(1,N_org);
C(1,:) = C(idx(1),:) + 0.2 .* randn(1,N_org);
% Update the best solution
[J_min,idx_min] = min(J_bac);
if J_min < J_best
J_best = J_min;
X_best = X_bac(idx_min,:);
% Results display
disp(['Best solution: ',num2str(X_best)]);
disp(['Best fitness value: ',num2str(J_best)]);