用matlab调用函数function Saml = Sam(data, m, r),并输入data为[20,30,40,50],m=2,r=0.2,设置输出的Saml与data相同长度
时间: 2023-12-03 11:44:24 浏览: 164
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1. 首先,创建一个名为“Sam.m”的新文件,并将以下代码复制粘贴到该文件中:
function Saml = Sam(data, m, r)
% This function calculates the sample mean of the input data and returns a
% vector of the same length as the input data with each element set to the
% sample mean.
% Inputs:
% data - input data (a vector)
% m - number of samples to take
% r - sampling rate (i.e., the proportion of data to include in each sample)
% Output:
% Saml - vector of sample means (same length as input data)
n = length(data); % determine length of input data
Saml = zeros(1,n); % initialize output vector to zeros
for i = 1:n % loop over each element of the input data
samples = zeros(1,m); % initialize vector to store samples
for j = 1:m % loop over each sample
idx = randperm(n,floor(r*n)); % randomly select indices for the sample
samples(j) = mean(data(idx)); % calculate the sample mean and store it
Saml(i) = mean(samples); % calculate the mean of the sample means and store it
2. 保存文件后,您可以在MATLAB命令窗口中输入以下命令来调用该函数并获取输出:
data = [20,30,40,50];
m = 2;
r = 0.2;
Saml = Sam(data,m,r)