docker ./configure
时间: 2023-11-01 07:08:10 浏览: 31
`./configure` 是一个命令,通常在源代码安装的过程中使用。它的作用是根据当前系统的环境和配置选项生成 Makefile,然后使用 `make` 命令来编译和安装软件。在 Docker 中,由于 Docker 镜像是基于文件系统的,所以不需要使用 `./configure` 命令来配置安装。相反,你可以在 Dockerfile 中使用 `RUN` 指令来运行安装命令,例如 `RUN apt-get install -y <package>`。
our password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json. Configure a credential helper to remove this warning.
To configure a credential helper and avoid storing passwords unencrypted in the Docker configuration file, you can follow these steps:
1. Open the terminal on your system.
2. Run the following command to check if a credential helper is already configured:
If you see any output, it means a credential helper is already configured, and you can skip the next step.
3. Install the Docker-credential helper:
- For Linux:
sudo apt-get install -y docker-credential-helpers
- For macOS using Homebrew:
brew install docker-credential-helper
- For Windows using Chocolatey:
choco install docker-credential-helper
4. Once the installation is complete, configure the credential helper by creating a Docker configuration file (if it doesn't already exist):
touch ~/.docker/config.json
5. Open the Docker configuration file using a text editor:
nano ~/.docker/config.json
6. Add the following JSON snippet to the file, replacing `<credential-helper>` with the appropriate credential helper for your system (e.g., `secretservice` for Linux):
"credsStore": "<credential-helper>"
7. Save the file and exit the text editor.
8. Restart the Docker daemon:
- For Linux:
sudo systemctl restart docker
- For macOS using Homebrew:
brew services restart docker
- For Windows:
Restart-Service docker
After completing these steps, your Docker password should no longer be stored unencrypted in the `/root/.docker/config.json` file, and the warning should be resolved.
docker 配置/etc/docker/daemon.json
### 正确配置 `/etc/docker/daemon.json` 文件
为了确保 Docker 守护程序能够正常启动并应用自定义设置,正确编辑和保存 `/etc/docker/daemon.json` 文件至关重要。该文件用于指定 Docker 守护进程的全局配置选项。
#### 配置文件位置
默认情况下,Docker 使用位于 `/etc/docker/daemon.json` 的 JSON 文件来加载守护程序配置[^1]。
#### 基本结构
此文件是一个标准的 JSON 文档,键值对表示不同的配置项:
"key": "value"
#### 关键配置参数示例
- **存储驱动**:可以更改容器层叠文件系统的实现方式。
"storage-driver": "overlay2"
- **镜像仓库地址**:允许添加私有或公共镜像源。
"insecure-registries" : ["myregistry.local:5000"]
- **日志记录器**:设定默认的日志管理策略
"log-driver": "json-file",
"log-opts": {
"max-size": "10m",
"max-file": "3"
#### 编辑注意事项
当修改 `daemon.json` 后需重启 Docker 服务使新配置生效。如果遇到无法启动的情况,建议先恢复原始配置再逐步排查问题所在。
对于上述提到的错误信息 “unable to configure the Docker daemon with file /etc/docker/daemon.json”,通常是因为语法不正确或是存在非法字符所引起。务必保证整个文档遵循严格的JSON格式规范,避免多余的逗号或其他不符合规定的符号。