score = cross_val_score(LinearRegression(), X_poly, y, cv=5, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error').mean()中cv=5代表什么
时间: 2024-03-29 17:35:10 浏览: 80
在这行代码中,cv=5 表示使用 5 折交叉验证来评估模型的性能。简单来说,交叉验证是一种常用的模型评估方法,它将数据集分成 k 个子集,然后进行 k 次模型训练和测试,每次测试都使用一个不同的子集进行验证,而剩余的 k-1 个子集用来训练模型。最终,将 k 次测试结果取平均值作为模型的性能评估指标。在这里,cv=5 表示将数据集分成 5 个子集进行交叉验证,其中 4 个子集用来训练模型,1 个子集用来测试模型,重复 5 次,每个子集都会被用来测试一次,最终得到 5 个测试结果的平均值作为模型性能评估指标。
X= [X_full,X_missing_mean,X_missing,X_missing_reg] mse =[] for x in X: estimator = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0, n_estimators=100) scores = cross_val_score(estimator,x,y_full,scoring='neg_mean_squared_error',cv=5).mean() #看均方误差 mse.append(scores*-1) #越小越好 mse
The code you provided seems to be calculating the mean squared error (MSE) for different versions of the input data `X` using a RandomForestRegressor model. It then appends the negative MSE to a list `mse` for each version of the data.
To clarify, I assume that `X_full` is the complete dataset, `X_missing_mean` is the dataset with missing values filled using mean imputation, `X_missing` is the dataset with missing values as-is, and `X_missing_reg` is the dataset with missing values filled using regression imputation.
Here is the modified code with proper indentation:
X = [X_full, X_missing_mean, X_missing, X_missing_reg]
mse = []
for x in X:
estimator = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0, n_estimators=100)
scores = cross_val_score(estimator, x, y_full, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=5).mean()
mse.append(scores * -1)
The code calculates the negative MSE for each version of the data and stores it in the `mse` list. The lower the MSE, the better the model's performance.
#weight knn with distance """ 使用weights参数选择加权平均 最后,我们使用fit方法训练模型 使用predict方法预测测试集中每个数据点的评分 并输出预测结果 """ # 创建KNN模型,并选择加权平均 wknn = KNeighborsRegressor(weights='distance') # 交叉验证,寻找最佳的k值 for k in k_range: wknn.n_neighbors = k scores = cross_val_score(wknn, X, y, cv=10, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error') k_scores.append(np.mean(scores))