ubuntu install mesa-gl v9.2
时间: 2023-09-28 09:05:20 浏览: 111
To install Mesa-GL v9.2 on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps:
1. Open a terminal window by pressing `Ctrl + Alt + T`.
2. Type the following command to update your system's package list:
sudo apt-get update
3. Install the Mesa-GL v9.2 package by typing the following command:
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils=9.2.0-1ubuntu1
4. Once the installation process is complete, you can verify that Mesa-GL v9.2 is installed by running the following command:
glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"
This command will display the OpenGL version that is currently installed on your system. If you see "OpenGL version string: 4.5 Mesa 19.2.8", it means that Mesa-GL v9.2 is installed and working properly.
Note: Mesa-GL v9.2 is an older version of Mesa-GL, and it may not be compatible with all applications. It is recommended to use the latest version of Mesa-GL, which can be installed by running `sudo apt-get install mesa-utils` without specifying a version number.