D:\Tools\Qt\Assignment 5\SuperInt\superint.cpp:156:24: Access to field 'value' results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable 'p1') [clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference]
时间: 2023-07-21 13:15:58 浏览: 258
解决这个错误需要检查程序中p1指针的初始化过程,确保它指向了一个合法的地址。可以在p1被使用之前,通过语句`p1 = new SuperInt();`将其初始化,或者在定义p1的时候就将其初始化为一个非空指针,例如`SuperInt* p1 = &someSuperIntObject;`。
另外,需要注意的是,如果p1指针的值可能为NULL,需要在访问它的成员变量之前进行判空操作,例如`if(p1 != nullptr) { p1->value = ...; }`。
a.cpp:21:10: error: assignment of read-only reference ‘lc’
This error occurs when you are trying to modify a const reference. In line 21, you are trying to assign a value to a const reference variable 'lc'. Once a variable is declared as const, its value cannot be changed. Therefore, you cannot assign a new value to the variable 'lc'.
To fix this error, you can either remove the 'const' keyword from the declaration of 'lc' or assign a value to a non-const reference variable.
Error in nextTick: "TypeError: Assignment to constant variable."
"Error in nextTick: 'TypeError: Assignment to constant variable'" 这个错误是在JavaScript中发生的,特别是当你尝试对常量(const)进行赋值操作时。在JavaScript中,`const` 关键字用于声明不可变的变量,一旦初始化就不能改变其值。因此,试图给 `const` 变量重新赋值会触发这个类型的TypeError。正确的做法应该是使用 `let` 或 `var` 来声明可以修改的变量,或者确保你不是在修改已经声明为常量的变量。如果你看到这个错误,你需要检查你的代码,找出并修正那个试图改变常量的地方。