linux driver

时间: 2023-04-17 20:01:23 浏览: 58

max20087 regulator linux driver

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific code or driver implementations. However, I can provide you with some general information about the max20087 regulator and its Linux driver. The MAX20087 is a high-voltage, low-quiescent current linear regulator that can operate with input voltages up to 60V. It provides a fixed output voltage and is suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including automotive, industrial, and communications systems. In Linux, the MAX20087 regulator is supported by the max20087 driver, which is included in the mainline kernel since version 5.14. The driver provides a sysfs interface that allows users to control the regulator's voltage and enable/disable it. To use the max20087 regulator driver, you need to enable the CONFIG_REGULATOR_MAX20087 kernel configuration option and build the driver as a loadable module or built-in. Once the driver is loaded, you can access the regulator through the sysfs interface (/sys/class/regulator/regulatorX), where X is the regulator's ID. You can also use the regulator framework in your application code to interact with the max20087 regulator driver. The framework provides a set of functions and data structures that simplify the process of working with regulators in Linux. Overall, the max20087 regulator driver is a straightforward and easy-to-use component of the Linux kernel that provides reliable voltage regulation for a wide range of applications.

Register IRQchip in linux driver

To register an IRQ chip in a Linux driver, you need to follow these steps: 1. Define the IRQ chip structure and its operations: The IRQ chip structure contains information such as the name of the chip, the number of IRQ lines, and the operations that the chip supports. The operations include enabling and disabling IRQs, setting the IRQ type, and handling IRQ events. 2. Initialize the IRQ chip: The IRQ chip needs to be initialized before it can be used. This involves setting up the IRQ lines, enabling the IRQs, and setting the IRQ type. 3. Register the IRQ chip: Once the IRQ chip is initialized, it needs to be registered with the Linux kernel. This is done using the `irq_chip_register` function, which takes the IRQ chip structure as a parameter. 4. Handle IRQ events: Finally, you need to implement the IRQ handler function to handle IRQ events. This function is called when an IRQ occurs and is responsible for processing the IRQ and performing any necessary operations. Overall, registering an IRQ chip in a Linux driver requires a thorough understanding of the Linux kernel's interrupt handling mechanism, as well as knowledge of the specific hardware and IRQ chip being used. It is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail to ensure that the driver works correctly and reliably.





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