解释:ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEFT(RC[-20],1)&LEFT(RC[-19],1) &LEFT(RC[-18],1)"
时间: 2024-06-06 21:07:56 浏览: 82
这是一个VBA代码,将一个公式赋值给当前活动单元格。该公式是 "=LEFT(RC[-20],1)",意思是取当前单元格左边第20个单元格的第一个字符。其中,RC[-20]表示当前单元格的左边第20个单元格(R表示行,C表示列),LEFT表示取字符串左侧的字符,1表示取的字符数量。因此,该公式的作用是取当前单元格左侧第20个单元格的第一个字符,并在当前单元格中显示这个字符。
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]"
This formula sets the active cell's formula to be equal to the value of the cell one column to the right of the active cell.
In other words, if the active cell is cell A1, then this formula will set the formula in cell A1 to be "=B1". If the active cell is cell B3, then this formula will set the formula in cell B3 to be "=C3".
The "R1C1" part of the formula specifies that the formula is using "row and column" notation, rather than the more common "A1" notation. The "RC[1]" part of the formula means "the cell in the same row as the active cell, but one column to the right".
Range("J30").Select Application.Run "'BP14R5-1P01(14-15)手册.xlsx'!图片复制" ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-24 Range("J8").Select ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-9 Range("A1:S1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "BP14R5-1P01(14-15)带通滤波器" Range("A15:S15").Select Application.Run "'BP14R5-1P01(14-15)手册.xlsx'!图片复制"