翻译一下这段代码this.$refs['channelForm'].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { this.channelRegular = valid } })
时间: 2024-06-10 17:08:49 浏览: 129
this.$refs.login.validate(valid => { if (valid) {
This code is a method call on a Vue.js component instance. It is calling the `validate` method on the `login` element, which is a child component of the current component. The `validate` method takes a callback function as its argument, which will be called with a boolean value indicating whether the validation was successful or not. If the validation is successful (`valid` is `true`), then some action can be taken, such as submitting the form or navigating to a new page.
this.$refs.loginForm.validate(valid => { 是什么意思
这段代码是在Vue组件中使用$refs引用了名为"loginForm"的子组件,并调用了子组件中的validate方法,并传入了一个回调函数valid => {...}。
回调函数valid => {...}用于处理表单验证通过或不通过时的逻辑。当表单验证通过时,valid的值为true,否则为false。在回调函数中可以根据valid的值来执行不同的操作,例如提交表单、提示用户等等。