Time-dependent ROC R语言代码
时间: 2023-06-18 09:05:16 浏览: 165
# 生成随机数据
n <- 1000
time <- rexp(n, rate = 0.01)
status <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = pmin(1, 0.05 + 0.05 * time / 365))
pred <- rnorm(n)
# 计算时间依赖ROC曲线
roc <- survroc(Surv(time, status) ~ pred, timeROC = TRUE, method = "KM", grid = seq(0, 2, 0.01))
# 绘制ROC曲线
plot(roc, main = "Time-dependent ROC")
这个示例生成一个包含1000个观测数据的随机数据集,并计算了基于预测值的时间依赖ROC曲线。`survroc()`函数来自于`survROC`包,可以用于计算时间依赖ROC曲线。`timeROC = TRUE`参数指示函数计算时间依赖ROC曲线,而`method = "KM"`参数指定了使用Kaplan-Meier方法进行生存曲线估计。最后,`plot()`函数用于绘制ROC曲线。
# 定义时间和事件变量
time <- lung$time
status <- lung$status
# 定义预测变量
pred <- lung$age
# 计算时间依赖性AUC和ROC曲线
roc <- timeROC(status, time, pred)
# 绘制ROC曲线
plotROC(roc, main="Time-Dependent ROC Curve")
在这个示例中,我们使用了 `survivalROC` 包来计算时间依赖性AUC和ROC曲线。首先,我们从 `lung` 数据集中提取时间和事件变量,并将预测变量设置为患者的年龄。接下来,我们使用 `timeROC()` 函数来计算时间依赖性AUC和ROC曲线。最后,我们使用 `plotROC()` 函数来绘制ROC曲线。
epoch-dependent dropout
Epoch-dependent dropout is a type of dropout regularization technique used in deep learning. It is a modification of the standard dropout technique, where the probability of keeping a unit during training is varied based on the current epoch number. The idea behind epoch-dependent dropout is that as the training progresses, the network becomes more robust and overfitting becomes less likely. Therefore, the dropout rate can be gradually reduced as the training epochs increase, allowing the network to learn more complex representations.
In epoch-dependent dropout, the dropout rate is typically set to a high value at the beginning of training and gradually decreased over time. This can be done in a linear or exponential manner, depending on the specific implementation. By reducing the dropout rate over time, epoch-dependent dropout allows the network to gradually learn more complex representations while still preventing overfitting.
Overall, epoch-dependent dropout is a useful technique for preventing overfitting in deep learning models, and it can be particularly effective when used in conjunction with other regularization techniques such as weight decay and early stopping.