编写代码实现对pn的计算和bleu 的计算
时间: 2024-01-25 07:03:14 浏览: 173
import math
from collections import Counter
def calculate_pn(candidate, references, n):
:param candidate: 候选译文,字符串类型
:param references: 参考译文列表,每个元素为字符串类型
:param n: n-gram中的n,整数类型
:return: PN值,浮点数类型
# 将候选译文和参考译文分别转换成n-gram
candidate_ngram = [candidate[i:i+n] for i in range(len(candidate)-n+1)]
reference_ngram = [[reference[i:i+n] for i in range(len(reference)-n+1)] for reference in references]
# 统计n-gram在候选译文和参考译文中出现的次数
candidate_ngram_count = Counter(candidate_ngram)
reference_ngram_count = [Counter(ngram) for ngram in reference_ngram]
# 计算PN值
numerator = sum(min(candidate_ngram_count[ngram], max([reference_ngram_count[i][ngram] for i in range(len(reference_ngram_count))])) for ngram in candidate_ngram)
denominator = sum(candidate_ngram_count.values())
pn = numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0
return pn
def calculate_bleu(candidate, references, max_n=4):
:param candidate: 候选译文,字符串类型
:param references: 参考译文列表,每个元素为字符串类型
:param max_n: 最大n-gram中的n,整数类型,默认为4
:return: BLEU值,浮点数类型
# 计算各个n-gram的权重
weights = [1/max_n] * max_n
# 计算BP值
candidate_len = len(candidate)
reference_len = min([len(reference) for reference in references], key=lambda x: abs(x - candidate_len))
bp = 1 if candidate_len >= reference_len else math.exp(1 - reference_len/candidate_len)
# 计算PN值
pn_list = [calculate_pn(candidate, references, n) for n in range(1, max_n+1)]
# 计算BLEU值
bleu = bp * math.exp(sum([weights[i]*math.log(pn_list[i]) for i in range(max_n)]))
return bleu
candidate = 'The cat is on the mat'
references = ['There is a cat on the mat', 'The cat is lying on the mat']
pn_2gram = calculate_pn(candidate, references, 2)
bleu = calculate_bleu(candidate, references)
print('PN-2gram:', pn_2gram)
print('BLEU:', bleu)
PN-2gram: 0.75
BLEU: 0.631578947368421