时间: 2023-10-03 10:05:52 浏览: 125
The function qpainter::setclipregion() sets the clipping region of the QPainter object to the specified QRegion. The clipping region is used to limit the drawing area of the QPainter, so that any drawing operations outside the region are not visible.
The QRegion parameter specifies the new clipping region. It can be created using the QRegion constructor or by combining existing QRegions using the union() or intersect() functions.
After calling qpainter::setclipregion(), any subsequent drawing operations will be clipped to the specified region. To reset the clipping region to the full area of the QPainter, call qpainter::setclipregion() with an empty QRegion or call qpainter::resetclip().
Example usage:
QPainter painter(this);
QRegion clipRegion(50, 50, 100, 100); // create a QRegion for a 100x100 rectangle at (50, 50)
painter.setClipRegion(clipRegion); // set the clipping region to the specified region
painter.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 200); // only the part of the rectangle inside the clipping region will be visible