时间: 2023-04-16 14:02:46 浏览: 114
1. 打开终端并输入以下命令以更新软件包列表:
sudo apt-get update
2. 输入以下命令以安装Erlang:
sudo apt-get install erlang
3. 等待安装完成后,您可以输入以下命令以验证Erlang是否已正确安装:
4. 如果Erlang已正确安装,您将看到Erlang shell的提示符。现在您可以开始使用Erlang了。
关于您提到的“Linux”,这看起来像是错误描述或混淆了两个独立的概念。Linux是一个开源操作系统内核,并不是一个特定版本的发布标签;同时,“.23”、“.2.7” 和 “.4” 都不属于标准的 Linux 发行版标识形式。Linux内核有多个发行版本,例如Ubuntu、Debian、CentOS等,它们会基于最新的Linux内核进行构建并添加额外的服务和支持。因此,如果是要询问的是在特定的Linux发行版上如何安装或配置Erlang,通常的操作步骤如下:
### 安装 Erlang
假设您正在使用 Ubuntu 或 Debian 系统作为例子,您可以按照以下步骤安装 Erlang:
1. **更新系统**:
sudo apt update
2. **安装依赖项**:
Erlang 的安装需要一些基础的开发环境和工具,这部分通常是自动包含在 Erlang 包中的。但是,在某些情况下,您可能还需要手动安装一些依赖包如 `build-essential`。
3. **下载 Erlang**:
您可以访问 Erlang 的官方网站获取最新版本的源码包。
4. **编译和安装 Erlang**:
解压下载的包到适当的目录,然后使用提供的 `configure` 脚本来自定义编译选项(例如,可以选择是否启用 SSL 支持),接着运行 `make` 编译,最后执行 `sudo make install` 进行安装。
5. **验证安装**:
使用 `erl -version` 命令检查 Erlang 是否成功安装以及其版本信息。
对于其他基于 Linux 内核的操作系统,安装过程可能会有所不同,通常需要查阅该系统的特定文档或在线资源找到适用于特定环境的指导。
linux erlang
### Erlang on Linux Installation and Configuration
#### Installing Erlang Using Package Managers
For most modern Linux distributions, installing Erlang can be straightforward using package managers like `apt` for Debian-based systems or `yum`/`dnf` for Red Hat-based ones.
On a Debian-based system such as Ubuntu:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install erlang
This command updates the local package index with the latest changes made by software developers and installs Erlang[^1].
#### Manually Downloading and Installing Erlang
Alternatively, one might opt to download an official release directly from the Erlang Solutions website. After downloading, extract it into `/usr/local/lib`, set up symbolic links within `/usr/bin`, adjust environment variables including `$PATH` in shell profiles (`~/.bashrc`), and source this file so that these modifications take effect immediately without logging out or restarting the terminal session.
#### Verifying Installation Success
Once installed successfully, verify the version of Erlang running on your machine via:
erl -version
If everything has been configured correctly, this should output information about the currently active Erlang runtime environment along with its specific build details[^2].
#### Configuring Environment Variables Permanently
To ensure all users have access to Erlang commands regardless of their current working directory, add paths pointing towards binaries provided by Erlang distribution permanently through editing global profile files located at `/etc/profile.d/`.
Create a new script named `` inside this folder containing lines similar to below:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/erlang/bin
After saving changes, either reboot the computer or execute `. /etc/profile` to apply them instantly across sessions.
#### Testing Basic Functionality With Hello World Program
Write a simple program called hello.erl:
start() ->
io:fwrite("Hello world\n").
Compile it using escript tool included in standard installations:
escript hello.erl start
Upon execution, expect "Hello world" printed onto console indicating proper functioning post-installation setup completion[^3].