vue3 getcurrentinstance proxy 报红
时间: 2023-07-17 07:06:24 浏览: 130
在Vue 3中,`getCurrentInstance`函数返回当前组件实例的引用。然而,在使用`getCurrentInstance`函数时,如果你想要对返回的实例进行代理(proxy),可能会遇到报红的问题。
import { getCurrentInstance, toRefs } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const { proxy } = toRefs(instance);
// 现在,你可以对代理对象进行操作了
// 例如:proxy.value = 'Hello';
return {
vue3 getcurrentinstance proxy
Vue 3 introduces the Composition API, which allows you to use functions and reactivity outside of component instances. To access the current component instance from within a standalone function or outside of the setup() function, you can use the getCurrentInstance() function provided by Vue.
To use getCurrentInstance() and create a reactive proxy of the component instance, you can follow these steps:
1. Import the getCurrentInstance function from the @vue/composition-api package:
import { getCurrentInstance } from '@vue/composition-api';
2. Call getCurrentInstance() within your function or outside of the setup() function to get the current component instance:
const currentInstance = getCurrentInstance();
3. Use the currentInstance to access the component instance properties or create a proxy of the instance using the toRefs() function:
import { toRefs } from '@vue/composition-api';
const { proxy } = toRefs(currentInstance);
Now you can use the proxy object to access and modify the reactive properties of the component instance.
Please note that the Composition API is an optional feature and needs to be installed separately using the @vue/composition-api package.
在Vue 3中,可以使用`getCurrentInstance`方法来获取当前组件实例。通过该方法返回的实例,您可以访问到`route`和`router`。在Vue 3的`<script setup>`中的`setup`函数中,您可以使用以下代码来获取路由信息:
import { getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';
const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance();
这样就可以获取到当前页面的路由信息了。请注意,这种方式适用于Vue 3,并且已在多个平台(包括H5、微信小程序、支付宝小程序、抖音小程序)上进行了测试。