sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: Content.内容
时间: 2024-05-27 16:11:47 浏览: 193
This error message indicates that there is a unique constraint applied to the "内容" field in the "Content" table of your SQLite database, and that constraint has been violated.
A unique constraint ensures that no two rows in a table have the same value in a particular column. In this case, it seems that you are trying to insert a row with a value in the "内容" field that already exists in another row, and this violates the unique constraint.
To resolve this issue, you need to either remove the unique constraint from the "内容" field or ensure that the value you are trying to insert is unique. You can also update the existing row with the same value instead of inserting a new one.
sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: sc.Sno
这个错误意味着在执行 SQL 语句时,违反了唯一性约束条件。更具体地说,是在插入记录的时候,插入的数据与表中已有的数据重复了。
在这个错误中,`sc.Sno` 表示出现问题的是 `sc` 表中的 `Sno` 字段,该字段应该是唯一的,但是插入的记录已经存在相同的 `Sno` 值了。
要解决这个问题,需要检查插入的数据是否重复,或者在表设计时考虑将 `Sno` 字段设置为主键或唯一索引,以确保数据的唯一性。
sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: 匯總.id什麽意思
这个错误是SQLite数据库引发的`IntegrityError`异常,意味着在插入或更新数据时违反了UNIQUE约束。具体地说,错误消息中的`UNIQUE constraint failed: 匯總.id`表示在`匯總`表的`id`列上存在唯一性约束,并且当前的操作违反了这个约束。
UNIQUE约束是一种数据库约束,用于确保表中的某个列的值是唯一的,即不允许重复值。在你的情况下,`UNIQUE constraint failed: 匯總.id`错误表明你正在尝试向`匯總`表中插入一个已经存在的`id`值,这是不允许的。