时间: 2023-10-04 17:09:10 浏览: 158
import math
import random
# 城市坐标
cities = [(60, 200), (180, 200), (80, 180), (140, 180), (20, 160),
(100, 160), (200, 160), (140, 140), (40, 120), (100, 120),
(180, 100), (60, 80), (120, 80), (180, 60), (20, 40),
(100, 40), (200, 40), (20, 20), (60, 20), (160, 20)]
# 城市数目
num_cities = len(cities)
# 计算两个城市之间的距离
def distance(city1, city2):
x1, y1 = city1
x2, y2 = city2
return math.sqrt((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2)
# 计算一条路径的总距离
def path_distance(path):
dist = 0
for i in range(num_cities - 1):
dist += distance(cities[path[i]], cities[path[i+1]])
dist += distance(cities[path[num_cities-1]], cities[path[0]])
return dist
# 初始化种群
def init_pop(size):
pop = []
for i in range(size):
path = list(range(num_cities))
return pop
# 计算适应度
def fitness(path):
return 1 / path_distance(path)
# 计算每个个体的概率
def calc_prob(pop, fitness_sum):
prob = []
for i in range(len(pop)):
prob.append(fitness(pop[i]) / fitness_sum)
return prob
# 选择
def select(pop, prob):
selected = []
for i in range(len(pop)):
r = random.random()
j = 0
while r > 0:
r -= prob[j]
j += 1
j -= 1
return selected
# 交叉
def crossover(pop):
new_pop = []
for i in range(0, len(pop), 2):
parent1 = pop[i]
parent2 = pop[i+1]
child1 = [-1] * num_cities
child2 = [-1] * num_cities
# 随机选择两个交叉点
pt1 = random.randint(0, num_cities-2)
pt2 = random.randint(pt1+1, num_cities-1)
# 复制父代的基因片段
for j in range(pt1, pt2+1):
child1[j] = parent1[j]
child2[j] = parent2[j]
# 按照父代2的顺序填充缺失的基因
idx = 0
for j in range(num_cities):
if not parent2[j] in child1:
while child1[idx] != -1:
idx += 1
child1[idx] = parent2[j]
if not parent1[j] in child2:
while child2[idx] != -1:
idx += 1
child2[idx] = parent1[j]
new_pop.extend([child1, child2])
return new_pop
# 变异
def mutate(pop, prob):
new_pop = []
for i in range(len(pop)):
if random.random() < prob:
# 随机选择两个基因进行交换
j, k = random.sample(range(num_cities), 2)
pop[i][j], pop[i][k] = pop[i][k], pop[i][j]
return new_pop
# 混合蛙跳算法
def hfa(size, max_iter):
# 初始化种群
pop = init_pop(size)
# 迭代计数器
iter_count = 0
# 当前最优解和最优适应度
best_path = []
best_fitness = 0
# 记录每次迭代的最优解和最优适应度
history = []
# 主循环
while iter_count < max_iter:
# 计算适应度和适应度总和
fitness_sum = sum([fitness(path) for path in pop])
# 计算每个个体的概率
prob = calc_prob(pop, fitness_sum)
# 选择
pop = select(pop, prob)
# 交叉
pop = crossover(pop)
# 变异
pop = mutate(pop, 0.1)
# 计算适应度和适应度总和
fitness_sum = sum([fitness(path) for path in pop])
# 计算每个个体的概率
prob = calc_prob(pop, fitness_sum)
# 计算当前最优解和最优适应度
best_path = max(pop, key=fitness)
best_fitness = fitness(best_path)
# 记录历史数据
history.append((iter_count, best_fitness, best_path))
# 更新迭代计数器
iter_count += 1
# 返回历史数据和最优解
return history, best_path
# 运行算法并输出结果
history, best_path = hfa(50, 1000)
print("最优解:", best_path)
print("最优距离:", path_distance(best_path))
1. 初始化种群,每个个体表示一条路径。
2. 计算适应度,即每条路径的总距离的倒数。
3. 选择,按照适应度概率进行选择。
4. 交叉,随机选择两个个体进行交叉。
5. 变异,以一定概率随机选择一个个体进行变异。
6. 计算适应度和适应度总和。
7. 计算当前最优解和最优适应度。
8. 记录历史数据,并更新迭代计数器。
9. 重复步骤3-8直到达到最大迭代次数。
import random
import numpy as np
import math
# TSP问题的城市数量
N = 10
# 每只青蛙的初始位置
init_pos = np.zeros((N, 2))
for i in range(N):
init_pos[i][0] = random.uniform(-5, 5)
init_pos[i][1] = random.uniform(-5, 5)
# 计算距离矩阵
dist_matrix = np.zeros((N, N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
dist_matrix[i][j] = math.sqrt(pow(init_pos[i][0]-init_pos[j][0], 2) + pow(init_pos[i][1]-init_pos[j][1], 2))
# 距离矩阵中所有元素加上一个极大值,以便计算概率
dist_matrix += np.max(dist_matrix)
# 距离矩阵的倒数,用于计算概率
dist_matrix_inv = 1 / dist_matrix
# 青蛙的个数
num_frogs = 20
# 最大迭代次数
max_iter = 100
# 每次迭代中保留的最优解的个数
num_keep = 5
# 跳跃步长
step_size = 0.5
# 每个青蛙的初始路径
init_path = np.arange(N)
for i in range(num_frogs):
init_path = init_path.copy()
# 计算路径长度
def get_path_length(path):
length = 0
for i in range(N-1):
length += dist_matrix[path[i]][path[i+1]]
length += dist_matrix[path[N-1]][path[0]]
return length
# 计算每个路径的适应度
def get_fitness(path):
length = get_path_length(path)
return 1 / length
# 对路径进行变异
def mutate(path):
new_path = path.copy()
i = random.randint(0, N-1)
j = random.randint(0, N-1)
new_path[i], new_path[j] = new_path[j], new_path[i]
return new_path
# 执行混合蛙跳算法
best_path = init_path.copy()
best_fitness = get_fitness(best_path)
for iter in range(max_iter):
# 随机选择一只青蛙作为“王子”
prince = random.randint(0, num_frogs-1)
# 对“王子”进行变异
prince_path = mutate(init_path[prince])
# 计算“王子”的适应度
prince_fitness = get_fitness(prince_path)
# 随机选择一只青蛙作为“公主”
princess = random.randint(0, num_frogs-1)
# 对“公主”进行变异
princess_path = mutate(init_path[princess])
# 计算“公主”的适应度
princess_fitness = get_fitness(princess_path)
# 计算每只青蛙的跳跃概率
prob = np.zeros(num_frogs)
for i in range(num_frogs):
if i == prince or i == princess:
prob[i] = 0
prob[i] = (dist_matrix_inv[init_path[i-1]][init_path[i]] + dist_matrix_inv[init_path[i]][init_path[i+1]]) / (2 * (N-1))
# 对青蛙进行跳跃
for i in range(num_frogs):
if i == prince:
# “王子”跳到“公主”所在的位置
init_path[i] = princess_path
if i == princess:
# “公主”跳到“王子”所在的位置
init_path[i] = prince_path
# 计算跳跃步长
step = step_size * (2 * random.random() - 1)
# 随机选择一个青蛙作为“导师”
teacher = random.randint(0, num_frogs-1)
if teacher == i:
# 如果“导师”是自己,则直接变异
new_path = mutate(init_path[i])
# 否则以“导师”的路径为基础,进行差分变异
new_path = init_path[teacher].copy()
j = random.randint(0, N-1)
new_path[j] = init_path[teacher][j] + step * (init_path[i][j] - init_path[teacher][j])
# 计算新路径的适应度
new_fitness = get_fitness(new_path)
# 根据概率决定是否接受新路径
if new_fitness > prince_fitness and random.random() < prob[i]:
init_path[i] = new_path
elif new_fitness > princess_fitness and random.random() < prob[i]:
init_path[i] = new_path
# 保留每次迭代中的最优解
fitness_list = [get_fitness(init_path[i]) for i in range(num_frogs)]
best_index = np.argsort(fitness_list)[::-1][:num_keep]
for i in range(num_keep):
if fitness_list[best_index[i]] > best_fitness:
best_path = init_path[best_index[i]].copy()
best_fitness = fitness_list[best_index[i]]
# 输出最优解
print("Best Path: ", best_path)
print("Best Fitness: ", best_fitness)