There is no getter for property named 'address' in 'class com.cyy.springboot.entity.User'
时间: 2023-10-25 20:31:26 浏览: 135
This error message indicates that the 'User' class in the 'com.cyy.springboot.entity' package does not have a getter method for the 'address' property. In Java, getter methods are typically used to access the values of private fields in a class.
To resolve this issue, you can add a getter method for the 'address' property in the 'User' class. The getter method should have the following format:
public String getAddress() {
return address;
Make sure that the 'address' variable in the 'User' class is declared as private and has a corresponding setter method for updating its value if needed.
There is no getter for property named 'account' in 'class com.example.springboot.entity.User'
这个错误提示表明在你的代码中,你尝试访问一个名为 'account' 的属性,但是这个属性在你的 User 类中并不存在。可能的原因是:
1. 你在代码中拼写错误,或者误用了一个类似的属性名。
2. 你在 User 类中缺少一个名为 'account' 的属性,或者这个属性被声明为私有的、受保护的或者没有公开的 getter 方法。
3. 如果你使用的是框架或者库,有可能是由于你的实体类与数据库表结构不一致导致的。
请检查你的代码,并确保你正确地声明了 User 类的所有属性和方法,并且正确地引用了它们。如果你仍然无法解决这个问题,请提供更多的上下文和代码片段,以便我能够帮助你更好地排查这个问题。
There is no getter for property named 'deptids' in 'class'
public class SysUser {
private List<Integer> deptids;
public List<Integer> getDeptids() {
return deptids;
public void setDeptids(List<Integer> deptids) {
this.deptids = deptids;