时间: 2024-02-28 17:27:29 浏览: 108
function [dist, path] = dijkstra(graph, start, dest)
%DIJKSTRA Calculates the shortest path in a graph using Dijkstra's algorithm
% [DIST, PATH] = DIJKSTRA(GRAPH, START, DEST) calculates the shortest path
% in the graph GRAPH from node START to node DEST using Dijkstra's algorithm.
% DIST is the distance of the shortest path and PATH is a vector of node
% indices representing the path from START to DEST.
% GRAPH is an N x N matrix representing the adjacency matrix of the graph
% where N is the number of nodes in the graph. The element GRAPH(i,j) is the
% weight of the edge from node i to node j. If there is no edge from node i
% to node j, then GRAPH(i,j) should be set to Inf.
% START and DEST are scalar values representing the starting and ending nodes
% of the path to be found.
% Initialize the distance vector and the visited set
dist = Inf(size(graph, 1), 1);
visited = false(size(graph, 1), 1);
% Set the distance to the starting node to 0
dist(start) = 0;
% Loop until the destination node is visited
while ~visited(dest)
% Find the node with the minimum distance
[~, idx] = min(dist(~visited));
if isempty(idx)
error('No path exists from start to destination');
curr = find(~visited, idx(1), 'first');
% Update the distances to the neighbors of the current node
neighbors = find(graph(curr, :) ~= Inf);
for i = 1:length(neighbors)
node = neighbors(i);
if ~visited(node)
alt = dist(curr) + graph(curr, node);
if alt < dist(node)
dist(node) = alt;
path(node) = curr;
% Mark the current node as visited
visited(curr) = true;
% Reconstruct the path
path = dest;
while path(1) ~= start
path = [path(1), path];
path(1) = path(2);
path(2) = path(3);
path = [start, path];
graph = [Inf, 2, 3, Inf, Inf;
2, Inf, 4, 1, Inf;
3, 4, Inf, 1, 5;
Inf, 1, 1, Inf, 2;
Inf, Inf, 5, 2, Inf];
[start, dest] = deal(1, 5);
[dist, path] = dijkstra(graph, start, dest);
fprintf('Shortest distance from node %d to node %d: %d\n', start, dest, dist(dest));
fprintf('Path from node %d to node %d: %s\n', start, dest, num2str(path));