Lead-Lag filter
时间: 2023-08-12 08:08:33 浏览: 381
引用[2]:二阶环路滤波器也被称为Proportional Integral or Lead-Lag filter。它包含两条支路,一条是积分支路,用于跟踪频率,另一条是比例支路,用于跟踪残留相位偏差。这两个支路的增益系数分别记为KI和KP,决定了DPLL的自然频率和阻尼系数。[2]所提到的差分方程描述了这种环路滤波器的运行方式。
loop filter simulink
Loop filter is a critical component in many control systems, and it is often implemented using analog or digital filters. In Simulink, you can design and simulate loop filters using various blocks provided by the software.
To design a loop filter in Simulink, you can use the Filter block, which allows you to specify the filter coefficients and the filter type. You can also use the Transfer Fcn block, which allows you to specify the transfer function of the filter.
Once you have designed the loop filter, you can simulate its performance using a closed-loop system model. The Simulink Control Design tool provides various analysis and design tools, such as frequency response analysis, time response analysis, and optimization, to help you design and tune the loop filter.
In addition, Simulink also provides various pre-built loop filters, such as the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller and the Lead-Lag compensator, that you can use directly in your control system model.