in english
时间: 2024-09-27 12:07:50 浏览: 34
This code defines a class called "queue" in Python, which implements a data structure commonly known as a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue. The `__init__` method initializes an empty list, `self.queue`, to hold the elements of the queue.
Here's a brief explanation:
- `class queue:` declares a new class named "queue."
- `def __init__(self):` is the constructor for this class, invoked automatically when creating a new instance of the queue.
- `self.queue = []` creates an empty list that will store the items added to the queue.
To use this class, you'd create an instance like this:
q = queue()
And then perform operations such as adding (`enqueue`) and removing (`dequeue`) elements from it:
q.enqueue(item) # Adds an item to the end of the queue
item = q.dequeue() # Removes and returns the first item from the queue