vo po qo 代表什么
时间: 2024-04-18 22:29:11 浏览: 198
1. VO(Value Object):值对象,也称为数据传输对象(DTO),用于封装一组相关的数据,通常用于在不同层(如前端和后端)之间传递数据。VO对象通常是只读的,没有业务逻辑,主要用于数据的传递和展示。
2. PO(Persistent Object):持久化对象,也称为实体对象(Entity),表示在数据库中持久化存储的对象。PO对象通常与数据库表一一对应,包含了与数据库交互的操作方法。
3. QO(Query Object):查询对象,用于封装查询条件和参数,以便在数据库中执行查询操作。QO对象通常包含一组查询参数和相应的查询方法,用于构建和执行数据库查询。
Java中的DAO(Data Access Object)是一种设计模式,用于将数据访问操作与业务逻辑分离,通常包含了对数据库进行增删改查等操作的方法。
DTO(Data Transfer Object)是一种用于在不同层之间传输数据的对象,通常用于将数据从数据库中读取并转换为业务逻辑层需要的数据格式。
PO(Persistent Object)是一种持久化对象,通常用于映射到数据库中的表,包含了表中的字段及对应的getter/setter方法。
VO(Value Object)是一种值对象,通常用于在不同层之间传递数据,与DTO类似,但通常只包含业务逻辑层所需的数据,不包含数据库映射信息。
BO(Business Object)是一种业务对象,通常用于封装业务逻辑,实现对PO/DTO进行操作,如组合多个PO/DTO进行复杂的业务处理。
QO(Query Object)是一种查询对象,通常用于封装查询条件,并将查询结果转换为DTO或VO返回给业务逻辑层。
POJO(Plain Old Java Object)是一种普通的Java对象,通常用于表示领域模型或业务模型,与DTO/VO类似,但不包含任何数据库映射信息。
These terms are commonly used in software development and have specific meanings:
1. PO (Persistent Object): It refers to an object that is stored in a database and can be retrieved later. It is an object representation of a data entity in a database.
2. VO (Value Object): It refers to an object that contains values that do not change frequently. It is used to transfer data between layers of an application.
3. BO (Business Object): It refers to an object that represents a business entity or process. It encapsulates business logic and provides an interface to interact with the business layer.
4. POJO (Plain Old Java Object): It is a simple Java object that does not have any special annotations or dependencies. It is used to represent data and is often used in conjunction with DAOs.
5. DAO (Data Access Object): It is an object that provides an interface to interact with a database. It is responsible for reading and writing data to and from a database.
6. DTO (Data Transfer Object): It is an object that is used to transfer data between layers of an application. It is similar to a VO but may contain additional data that is not represented in the database.
7. TO (Transfer Object): It is another name for DTO.
8. QO (Query Object): It is an object that is used to represent a query to a database. It encapsulates the criteria used to retrieve data from a database.