Project2 (D:/HFSStemp/) TeeModal (DrivenModal) [info] Simulation for Setup1 is already running. To resimulate stop prior simulation of this setup. (10:38:30 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Unable to create child process: hf3d. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] The attempted launch of solvers via MPI failed while connecting to communication pipes. The probable cause is failure to install the vendor MPI on one or more machines or password authentication failure for MPI during the launch attempt. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [info] An interpolating frequency sweep with 451 points has been started using HFSS - Solving Distributed. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Unable to locate message 11189 in HFSS message library. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [info] Simulation for Setup1 is already running. To resimulate stop prior simulation of this setup. (10:43:06 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Unable to create child process: hf3d. (10:44:35 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] The attempted launch of solvers via MPI failed while connecting to communication pipes. The probable cause is failure to install the vendor MPI on one or more machines or password authentication failure for MPI during the launch attempt. (10:44:35 下午 7月 14, 2023) [info] An interpolating frequency sweep with 451 points has been started using HFSS - Solving Distributed. (10:44:35 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Unable to locate message 11189 in HFSS message library. (10:44:35 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:44:35 下午 7月 14, 2023)

时间: 2024-04-16 22:24:54 浏览: 33
这些错误信息表明在项目路径为"D:/HFSStemp/"的Project2中,使用了DrivenModal的TeeModal模式进行仿真时出现了一些问题。根据错误信息可以看出: 1. [info] Simulation for Setup1 is already running. To resimulate stop prior simulation of this setup. (10:38:30 下午 7月 14, 2023) 这个信息表示在同一个设置(Setup1)上已经有一个仿真正在运行,如果要重新仿真,需要停止之前的仿真。 2. [error] Unable to create child process: hf3d. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) [error] The attempted launch of solvers via MPI failed while connecting to communication pipes. The probable cause is failure to install the vendor MPI on one or more machines or password authentication failure for MPI during the launch attempt. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) 这个错误指示尝试通过MPI启动求解器时失败,可能是由于未在一台或多台机器上安装供应商MPI或在启动尝试期间MPI的密码验证失败。 3. [info] An interpolating frequency sweep with 451 points has been started using HFSS - Solving Distributed. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) 这个信息表示使用HFSS - Solving Distributed开始进行了一个具有451个点的插值频率扫描。 4. [error] Unable to locate message 11189 in HFSS message library. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) 这个错误提示在HFSS消息库中找不到消息11189。 5. [error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:40:23 下午 7月 14, 2023) 这个错误表示仿真在本地机器上执行时出现错误。 根据这些错误信息,可以尝试解决问题的方法包括: - 停止之前正在运行的仿真,以便重新仿真。 - 确保已正确安装供应商MPI,并且MPI的密码验证正确。 - 检查HFSS消息库,确保消息11189存在。 - 检查本地机器上是否存在执行仿真所需的所有依赖项,并确保它们正确配置和运行。 如果问题仍然存在,可能需要进一步检查设置和代码,或者查看相关文档或论坛以获取更多关于这些错误的解决方案。


Calling tool in /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/infra/flow/dv/tools/ralgen/../../../../util/ -s -t /tmp/mct_dv_bb_env-ral_0.1cvwdpui1 /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/design/bb/dv/env/../../data/bb.hjson RAL pkg for bb written to /tmp/mct_dv_bb_env-ral_0.1cvwdpui1. INFO: Wrote dependency graph to /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/scratch/default/gnss_top-sim-vcs/default/sim-vcs/ WARNING: The file ../../include/yuu_ahb_interface.svi in /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/infra/verif/uvc/yuu_ahb/src/sv/ahb_env.core is not within the directory containing the core file. This is deprecated and will be an error in a future FuseSoC version. A typical solution is to move core file into the root directory of the IP block it describes WARNING: The file ../../include/ in /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/infra/verif/uvc/yuu_ahb/src/sv/ahb_env.core is not within the directory containing the core file. This is deprecated and will be an error in a future FuseSoC version. A typical solution is to move core file into the root directory of the IP block it describes. WARNING: The file ../../test/ in /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/infra/verif/uvc/yuu_ahb/src/sv/ahb_env.core is not within the directory containing the core file. This is deprecated and will be an error in a future FuseSoC version. A typical solution is to move core file into the root directory of the IP block it describes. ERROR: Setup failed : Cannot find ../../test/ in : /hpc/simulation/jzhou/awakening_soc/infra/verif/uvc/yuu_ahb/src/sv



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