时间: 2024-10-19 22:08:19 浏览: 51
import pandas as pd
# 读取原始CSV文件
original_df = pd.read_csv('原文件.csv')
# 定义特征列名和目标值
feature_column = 'your_feature_column'
target_value = 'target_value'
# 使用条件筛选行
filtered_df = original_df[original_df[feature_column] == target_value]
# 将筛选后的数据保存到新的CSV文件
filtered_df.to_csv('task1-1A.csv', index=False) # index=False 防止index列也被写入
在这个例子中,假设`your_feature_column`是你想要筛选的具体特征,`target_value`是你所指定的目标值。运行这段代码后,`task1-1A.csv` 文件就会只包含特征列中值为 `target_value` 的行。
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'D:/数据分析/寒假任务/暑期任务/数据分析题目/数据分析招新题目/task1-1A.csv'
This error message indicates that the user running the code does not have permission to access or modify the file "task1-1A.csv" located at "D:/数据分析/寒假任务/暑期任务/数据分析题目/数据分析招新题目/".
To resolve this issue, you can try the following solutions:
1. Check if the file is currently being used by another program. If so, close the program and try again.
2. Check if the file has read-only permissions. If so, change the permissions to allow the user to modify the file.
3. Check if the file is locked or encrypted. If so, unlock or decrypt the file before attempting to modify it.
4. Run the code as an administrator or with elevated privileges to gain access to the file.
5. If none of the above solutions work, try copying the file to a different location or renaming the file to a different name and see if that resolves the issue.