diff -B --ignore-matching-lines='^\(//\| \*\|\*\|/\*\)' fileA fileB
时间: 2023-10-04 14:04:42 浏览: 219
diff -B --ignore-matching-lines='^\(//\| \*\|\*\|/\*\)' fileA fileB 是一个Linux命令,用于比较文件fileA和fileB之间的差异。该命令会忽略匹配指定模式的行,并且只返回最后两行的不同之处。你也可以通过运行 diff -B -y --suppress-common-lines <(grep -v '^\(//\| \*\|\*\|/\*\)' fileA) <(grep -v '^\(//\| \*\|\*\|/\*\)' fileB) | wc -l 来返回不同行的数量。
"Run the following command to restore the default parameters and set the active kernel parameters: ``` # grep -Els ""^\s*net\.ipv4\.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts\s*=\s*0"" /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf /usr/lib/sysctl.d/*.conf /run/sysctl.d/*.conf | while read filename; do sed -ri ""s/^\s*(net\.ipv4\.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts\s*)(=)(\s*\S+\b).*$/# *REMOVED* \1/"" $filename; done; sysctl -w net.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1; sysctl -w net.ipv4.route.flush=1 ```"
这段话是在介绍如何将 Linux 系统的 ICMP 广播应答功能关闭,以提高系统的安全性。具体步骤如下:
1. 使用 grep 命令查找所有包含 net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=0 参数的配置文件,并将文件名存储在 filename 变量中。
2. 使用 sed 命令将所有包含 net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=0 参数的行注释掉。
3. 使用 sysctl 命令将 net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts 参数设置为 1,以关闭 ICMP 广播应答功能。
4. 使用 sysctl 命令刷新 IPv4 路由表。
上述命令需要使用 root 用户权限才能执行。需要注意的是,关闭 ICMP 广播应答功能可能会对某些网络应用程序造成影响,因此在执行这些步骤之前需要进行充分的测试和评估。
You may use special comments to disable some warnings. Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line. Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file.
Yes, that's correct. ESLint provides special comments that can be used to disable specific warnings or all warnings in a file.
To ignore a warning for the next line, you can use the comment `// eslint-disable-next-line` at the end of the line that generates the warning. For example:
const foo = 1;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const bar = 2;
In this case, the `no-unused-vars` warning will be ignored for the `bar` declaration.
To ignore all warnings in a file, you can use the comment `/* eslint-disable */` at the top of the file. For example:
/* eslint-disable */
const foo = 1;
const bar = 2;
In this case, all ESLint warnings will be ignored for the entire file. However, it's generally not recommended to disable all warnings, as it can lead to code quality issues. It's better to address each warning individually, or to configure ESLint to only show warnings for specific rules.