unity tansform.rotate
时间: 2024-05-03 17:22:26 浏览: 105
Unity's Transform.Rotate method is used to rotate a GameObject around its own axis or a specific point in space.
public void Rotate(Vector3 eulerAngles, Space relativeTo = Space.Self);
- eulerAngles: The amount of rotation to be applied in degrees as a Vector3.
- relativeTo: Specifies whether the rotation is relative to the GameObject's own axis or the world axis. Default is Space.Self.
Example usage:
// Rotate the GameObject around its own y-axis by 45 degrees
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 45, 0));
// Rotate the GameObject around the world y-axis by 90 degrees
transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 0), Space.World);
Note: The Rotate method modifies the GameObject's Transform component, which affects the position, rotation, and scale of the GameObject. It is important to use this method carefully and avoid unexpected behavior.