举具体例子说明:boot system flash:/<image_file_name>的含有
时间: 2024-04-18 16:23:23 浏览: 85
当设置 `boot system flash:/<image_file_name>` 时,`<image_file_name>` 是引导映像文件的文件名。以下是一个具体的例子:
假设您有一个思科3850交换机,它的引导映像文件名为 `c3850-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.E10.bin`,并且存储在闪存(flash)设备上。
1. 登录到3850交换机的控制台或通过远程管理连接到交换机。
2. 进入特权模式(Privileged EXEC mode)。
3. 进入全局配置模式(Global Configuration mode),使用命令:`configure terminal`。
4. 设置BOOT变量为引导映像的文件名,例如:`boot system flash:/c3850-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.E10.bin`。
5. 保存配置,使用命令:`write memory` 或 `copy running-config startup-config`。
6. 重新启动交换机,使用命令:`reload`。
请根据您实际的文件名和位置修改命令中的 `<image_file_name>`。确保引导映像文件名和路径的正确性,以避免出现其他问题。
auth: whiteList: - /login - /logout - /registerUser - /jshERP-boot/user/randomImage - /jshERP-boot/platformConfig/getPlatform - /jshERP-boot/platformConfig/getPlatform/url - /jshERP-boot/platformConfig/getPlatform/name - /jshERP-boot/platformConfig/getPlatformConfigByKey - /jshERP-boot/v2/api-docs - /jshERP-boot/webjars - /jshERP-boot/systemConfig/static转换为.properties文件
import requests
url = "https://example.com/jshERP-boot/systemConfig/static" # 替换为实际的URL
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json() # 假设响应数据是JSON格式
with open("config.properties", "w") as file:
for key, value in data.items():
The system is unable to boot automatically. The BOOT environment variable needs to be set to a bootable image.
If you are seeing the message "The system is unable to boot automatically. The BOOT environment variable needs to be set to a bootable image" on your Cisco switch, it means that the switch is unable to find a valid bootable image to start up.
To resolve this issue, you will need to set the BOOT environment variable to point to a valid bootable image. Follow these steps:
1. Connect to the switch's console port using a console cable and a terminal emulation program (such as PuTTY or SecureCRT).
2. Power on or restart the switch.
3. During the boot process, you will see the switch's bootloader prompt. Press the appropriate key (usually Esc or Ctrl+C) to enter the bootloader mode.
4. Once in the bootloader mode, you can use the following command to set the BOOT environment variable:
switch: set BOOT variable_name
Here, `variable_name` should be replaced with the name of the bootable image file stored on the switch's flash memory.
5. After setting the BOOT environment variable, use the following command to boot the switch:
switch: boot
The switch will then attempt to boot using the specified bootable image.
If you are unsure about the specific bootable image file or need further assistance, it is recommended to consult Cisco documentation or contact Cisco technical support for guidance.