post-hoc analysis
时间: 2023-10-10 17:06:15 浏览: 99
Post-hoc analysis refers to the analysis of data after an experiment, study, or survey has been conducted. It involves examining the data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that were not initially anticipated or observed during the initial analysis. Post-hoc analysis is often used to explore the underlying factors that may have influenced the results of a study or experiment, and to identify potential confounding variables that may have affected the outcomes. It is important to note that post-hoc analysis is exploratory in nature and should be interpreted with caution, as it may produce false positive results or lead to overinterpretation of the data.
r语言post-hoc analysis
R语言中的后续分析(Post-Hoc Analysis)主要用于处理多重比较问题。在统计学中,当我们对多个组别进行比较时,可能会出现误判的情况。后续分析提供了一种针对多组别进行比较的方式,以确定哪些组别间存在显著差异。
post-hoc analysis是啥
Post-hoc analysis是指在进行实验或研究后,对已有数据进行分析和比较的统计方法。它通常用于检测和解释已有数据中的差异,以确定是否存在显著性差异或因果关系。这种分析方法不同于预测性分析,后者是基于数据集建立预测模型,用于预测未来结果。Post-hoc analysis的目的是从已有数据中提取有价值的信息,以支持研究或实验的结论。