逐行分析以下代码def f(a,b): a=4 return atb def main(): a=5 b=6 print(f(a,b),atb) main() b=6 print(f(a,b),atb) main()
时间: 2023-12-20 17:05:24 浏览: 72
1. `def f(a,b):` 定义了一个名为f的函数,该函数接受两个参数a和b。
2. `a=4` 将参数a的值赋为4。
3. `return a*b` 返回参数a和参数b的乘积。
4. `def main():` 定义了一个名为main的函数。
5. `a=5` 将变量a的值赋为5。
6. `b=6` 将变量b的值赋为6。
7. `print(f(a,b),a*b)` 调用f()函数并打印出返回的结果,还打印了a和b的乘积。
8. `main()` 调用main()函数。
9. `b=6` 将变量b的值赋为6。
10. `print(f(a,b),a*b)` 调用f()函数并打印出返回的结果,还打印了a和b的乘积。
11. `main()` 再次调用main()函数。
from gmpy2 import invert# 欧几里得算法def egcd(a, b): if a == 0: return (b, 0, 1) else: g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a) return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)def main(): n = 22708078815885011462462049064339185898712439277226831073457888403129378547350292420267016551819052430779004755846649044001024141485283286483130702616057274698473611149508798869706347501931583117632710700787228016480127677393649929530416598686027354216422565934459015161927613607902831542857977859612596282353679327773303727004407262197231586324599181983572622404590354084541788062262164510140605868122410388090174420147752408554129789760902300898046273909007852818474030770699647647363015102118956737673941354217692696044969695308506436573142565573487583507037356944848039864382339216266670673567488871508925311154801 c1 = 22322035275663237041646893770451933509324701913484303338076210603542612758956262869640822486470121149424485571361007421293675516338822195280313794991136048140918842471219840263536338886250492682739436410013436651161720725855484866690084788721349555662019879081501113222996123305533009325964377798892703161521852805956811219563883312896330156298621674684353919547558127920925706842808914762199011054955816534977675267395009575347820387073483928425066536361482774892370969520740304287456555508933372782327506569010772537497541764311429052216291198932092617792645253901478910801592878203564861118912045464959832566051361 c2 = 18702010045187015556548691642394982835669262147230212731309938675226458555210425972429418449273410535387985931036711854265623905066805665751803269106880746769003478900791099590239513925449748814075904017471585572848473556490565450062664706449128415834787961947266259789785962922238701134079720414228414066193071495304612341052987455615930023536823801499269773357186087452747500840640419365011554421183037505653461286732740983702740822671148045619497667184586123657285604061875653909567822328914065337797733444640351518775487649819978262363617265797982843179630888729407238496650987720428708217115257989007867331698397 e1 = 11187289 e2 = 9647291 s = egcd(e1, e2) s1 = s[1] s2 = s[2] # 求模反元素 if s1<0: s1 = - s1 c1 = invert(c1, n) elif s2<0: s2 = - s2 c2 = invert(c2, n) m = pow(c1,s1,n)*pow(c2,s2,n) % n print (libnum.n2s(m))if __name__ == '__main__': main()
### 实现基于扩展欧几里得算法和模反元素计算的RSA共模攻击
#### 使用`gmpy2`库进行高效的大数运算
import gmpy2
def egcd(a, b):
"""Compute the greatest common divisor of a and b along with coefficients"""
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
gcd, x1, y1 = egcd(b % a, a)
return (gcd, y1 - (b // a) * x1, x1)
def modinv(e, phi_n):
"""Calculate modular multiplicative inverse using Extended Euclidean Algorithm"""
gcd, x, _ = egcd(e, phi_n)
if gcd != 1:
raise Exception('Modular inverse does not exist')
return x % phi_n
def rsa_common_modulus_attack(ciphertexts, public_keys):
Perform RSA Common Modulus Attack given two ciphertexts encrypted under different exponents but same modulus.
:param ciphertexts: Tuple containing both ciphertext values c1 and c2 corresponding to each encryption exponent pair.
:param public_keys: List or tuple holding tuples of form (n,e), where n is shared between keys while e differs.
:return: Plaintext message recovered from provided inputs.
# Unpack input parameters into variables for clarity
((c1, c2), [(n, e1), (_, e2)]) = zip(ciphertexts, public_keys)
# Compute Bezout's identity coefficient s,t such that se1-te2=1 via extended GCD function above
_, s, t = egcd(e1, e2)
# Calculate plaintext by raising respective powers according to CRT formula derived earlier
m1 = pow(gmpy2.invert(s*e1,phi(n)), abs(t), n)*pow(c1,abs(s),n)%n
return int(m1).to_bytes((int(m1).bit_length() + 7)//8,'big').decode()
# Helper functions used within main procedure
def phi(n):
"""Euler totient function φ(n)=n(1−p)(1−q)...for prime factors p,q,...of integer argument 'n'."""
result = n # Initialize result as number itself initially
p = 2 # Start checking divisibility starting at smallest possible factor i.e., 2
while p*p <= n:
if n%p==0:
while n%p==0:
if n>1:
result -= result // n
return result
请注意,在实际应用中应当谨慎处理密钥材料的安全性和合法性验证等问题;此外,上述示例假设已知两个不同的公钥指数\(e_1\) 和 \(e_2\)[^2] ,以及相应的密文对 \((c_1,c_2)\),这些条件共同构成了实施此类攻击的基础前提。
【程序改错】下列给定程序中,fun函数的功能是: 分别统计字符串中大写字母和小写字母的个数。请改正程序中的错误,使它能得出正确的结果。例如:给 字符串s输入:AAaaB Bb6123CCcccd,则应输出: wpper=6, lower=8。 注意:不可以增加或删除程序行,也不可以更改程序的结构。一 --'"' def Upper(s): a = 0 for i in range(len (s)): if ( stil >= 'A' and sil 'a' and $1<'2):1216+=1retarn b def main0:s= input("请输入一个字符串,并按回车继续:”) upper = Upper(s) lower = Lower(s) print("upper = §}, lower = O". format (upper, lower)) if . name == ' main ': main()
There are multiple syntax errors in the provided code. Here's the corrected code:
def Upper(s):
a = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] >= 'A' and s[i] <= 'Z':
a += 1
return a
def Lower(s):
b = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] >= 'a' and s[i] <= 'z':
b += 1
return b
def main():
s = input("请输入一个字符串,并按回车继续:")
upper = Upper(s)
lower = Lower(s)
print("upper = {}, lower = {}".format(upper, lower))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The changes made to the code are:
1. Added missing colons at the end of function definitions.
2. Corrected the if conditions in Upper and Lower functions.
3. Fixed the typo in the if condition of Upper function.
4. Replaced the special character '§' in the print statement with a curly brace '{'.