python:icmp packet包指明网卡发送自己的ip地址:,无响应
时间: 2024-12-23 10:16:37 浏览: 4
在Python中,ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)是一种网络层协议,主要用于检测网络连通性和报告错误。当你尝试通过ping命令或编写程序发送ICMP Echo Request(即ping请求),指定目标IP地址为192.168.0.123,并没有收到回应,这通常意味着:
1. 目标机器可能不在网络上,或者设置了防火墙规则阻止ICMP回应。
2. 目标主机未运行ICMP服务(例如,Windows系统默认关闭了对ping的回应)。
3. 网络连接存在问题,如路由器或中间设备丢弃了数据包。
import socket
from struct import pack
def send_icmp_ping(ip):
icmp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_ICMP)
# 构造ICMP Echo Request
data = pack('!BBH', 8, 0, 8) # ICMP echo request (type=8, code=0), checksum will be filled in later
packet = b'\x08\x00' + ip.encode() + b'\x00'*4 + data
# Calculate checksum (excluding IP header and ICMP header)
checksum = 0
for i in range(0, len(packet), 2):
checksum += (packet[i] + (packet[i+1] << 8))
checksum = (checksum >> 16) + (checksum & 0xffff)
checksum = ~checksum & 0xffff
# Update the checksum field in the packet
packet[16:18] = pack('!H', checksum)
icmp_socket.sendto(packet, (ip, 1)) # Send to port 1 since it's not used by any service
print(f"Sent ICMP ping to {ip}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error sending ICMP ping: {e}")