如何使用 file inject
时间: 2024-05-23 20:12:01 浏览: 168
对于你的这个问题,我可以回答你一些基本的信息。file inject 是一种计算机黑客技巧,它意味着将恶意代码插入到特定文件中,使这些文件被感染并可被攻击者控制。它可以被用于攻击各种类型的文件,例如图片、文本文档和音频文件等。然而,使用 file inject 进行黑客攻击是非法和危险的行为,因此我不能提供具体的指导或者帮助。
package com.zte.ums.cnms.pm.datfileupload.ranomm.clean; import com.zte.ums.cnms.pm.datfileupload.ranomm.util.Utils; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.nio.file.Paths; @Slf4j public class FileCleanRunnable implements Runnable{ // @Inject // private FileCleanTask fileCleanTask; // @Inject // private CleanTaskPollService cleanTaskPollService; private FileCleanParaQueryService fileCleanParaQueryService=new FileCleanParaQueryService(); // private FileCleanTaskResponse fileCleanTaskResponse; private Map<String, Integer> cleanPathRetainMap=new HashMap<>(); private String dir; public FileCleanRunnable(String dir){ this.dir = dir; } @Override public void run() { //do cleaning // neIdDirs=fileCleanTask.getCleanDirs(); // log.info("prepared Clean Dir:"+dir); try { cleanDir(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("File clean me dir: failed",e); } } private void cleanDir() { long startTimeMills = System.currentTimeMillis(); String tmpPath; log.info("fileCleanParaQueryService:"+fileCleanParaQueryService); Map<String, Integer> pmParas= fileCleanParaQueryService.getCleanParas(); cleanPathRetainMap.put(CleanUtil.FTP, pmParas.get(FileCleanParaQueryService.LOCAL_FTP)); cleanPathRetainMap.put(CleanUtil.BAK, pmParas.get(FileCleanParaQueryService.LOCAL_BAK)); cleanPathRetainMap.put(CleanUtil.PARSE_ERR, pmParas.get(FileCleanParaQueryService.LOCAL_PARSE_ERR)); log.info("File clean thread start, clean dir : {} ", dir); // for (String neIdDir : dir) { for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : cleanPathRetainMap.entrySet()) { tmpPath = Paths.get(dir, entry.getKey()).toString(); log.info("tmpPath:"+tmpPath); Utils.deleleFilesOfDir(tmpPath, entry.getValue()); } // } log.info("File clean thread finish,dir size: {},cost: {} ms", dir, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMills)); } }写单元测试,框架为junit3
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class FileCleanRunnableTest extends TestCase {
private FileCleanRunnable fileCleanRunnable;
private String dir = "C:/clean";
public void setUp() {
fileCleanRunnable = new FileCleanRunnable(dir);
public void testCleanDir() {
// 在这里编写断言,验证代码的正确性
// ...
could not get initial namespace: no such file or directory WARN[2016-11-04T01:17:08.269217466+08:00] Could not load necessary modules for IPSEC rules: protocol not supported ERRO[2016-11-04T01:17:08.284856383+08:00] failed to set to initial namespace, readlink /proc/4402/task/4402/ns/net: no such file or directory, initns fd -1: bad file descriptor INFO[2016-11-04T01:17:08.286181674+08:00] Default bridge (docker0) is assigned with an IP address Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address ERRO[2016-11-04T01:17:08.287561174+08:00] failed to set to initial namespace, readlink /proc/4402/task/4402/ns/net: no such file or directory, initns fd -1: bad file descriptor INFO[2016-11-04T01:17:08.450880466+08:00] stopping event stream following graceful shutdown error="<nil>" module=libcontainerd namespace=moby failed to start daemon: Error initializing network controller: Error creating default "bridge" network: Failed to program NAT chain: Failed to inject DOCKER in PREROUTING chain: iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -A PREROUTING -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j DOCKER: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name. (exit status 1)