实现一个小程序 1. linuxC实现将Edvr.cfg文件解析为一个Config结构体并输出相关内容的程序 文件格式如下: [Section1] Name1=Value1 Name2=Value2 Name3=Value3 [Section2] Name4=Value4 Name5=Value5 Name6=Value6 typedef struct tagKey { // 键名 char *szName; // 键值 char *szValue; } Key; typedef struct tagSection { // 段名 char *szName; // 键数量 int nKeyNum; // 键数组指针 Key *pKeys; } Section; typedef struct tagConfig { // 段数量 int nSectionNum; // 段数组 Section *pSections; } Config; 2. linuxC将Config结构体存为json格式, 保存到文件Config.json的程序 { "Config": { "Section1": { "Name1": "Value1", "Name2": "Value2", "Name3": "Value3" }, "Section2": { "Name4": "Value4", "Name5": "Value5", "Name6": "Value6" } } }

时间: 2024-01-26 15:02:32 浏览: 25
好的,我明白了您的问题。下面是我的回答: 1. 将Edvr.cfg文件解析为Config结构体并输出相关内容的程序: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_SECTION_NUM 10 #define MAX_KEY_NUM 10 #define MAX_NAME_LEN 20 #define MAX_VALUE_LEN 20 typedef struct tagKey { char *szName; char *szValue; } Key; typedef struct tagSection { char *szName; int nKeyNum; Key *pKeys; } Section; typedef struct tagConfig { int nSectionNum; Section *pSections; } Config; Config* LoadConfig(const char* szFile) { char buf[1024]; FILE *fp = fopen(szFile, "r"); if (!fp) { printf("Cannot open file %s!\n", szFile); return NULL; } Config *pConfig = (Config*)malloc(sizeof(Config)); memset(pConfig, 0, sizeof(Config)); Section *pSection = NULL; Key *pKey = NULL; int nLine = 0; while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) { nLine++; char *szTrim = buf; while (*szTrim == ' ' || *szTrim == '\t') szTrim++; if (*szTrim == ';' || *szTrim == '#' || *szTrim == '\r' || *szTrim == '\n') continue; if (*szTrim == '[') { char *szEnd = strchr(szTrim+1, ']'); if (!szEnd) { printf("Error in line %d: invalid section!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } *szEnd = '\0'; pSection = (Section*)malloc(sizeof(Section)); memset(pSection, 0, sizeof(Section)); pSection->szName = strdup(szTrim+1); if (pConfig->nSectionNum >= MAX_SECTION_NUM) { printf("Error in line %d: too many sections!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pSection); free(pConfig); return NULL; } pConfig->pSections[pConfig->nSectionNum++] = *pSection; free(pSection); pSection = &(pConfig->pSections[pConfig->nSectionNum-1]); } else { if (!pSection) { printf("Error in line %d: no section defined!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } char *szEqual = strchr(szTrim, '='); if (!szEqual) { printf("Error in line %d: invalid key-value pair!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } *szEqual = '\0'; pKey = (Key*)malloc(sizeof(Key)); memset(pKey, 0, sizeof(Key)); pKey->szName = strdup(szTrim); pKey->szValue = strdup(szEqual+1); if (pSection->nKeyNum >= MAX_KEY_NUM) { printf("Error in line %d: too many keys in section %s!\n", nLine, pSection->szName); fclose(fp); free(pKey); free(pConfig); return NULL; } pSection->pKeys[pSection->nKeyNum++] = *pKey; free(pKey); } } fclose(fp); return pConfig; } void PrintConfig(const Config *pConfig) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < pConfig->nSectionNum; i++) { printf("[%s]\n", pConfig->pSections[i].szName); for (j = 0; j < pConfig->pSections[i].nKeyNum; j++) { printf("%s=%s\n", pConfig->pSections[i].pKeys[j].szName, pConfig->pSections[i].pKeys[j].szValue); } } } int main() { Config *pConfig = LoadConfig("Edvr.cfg"); if (pConfig) { PrintConfig(pConfig); // Do something with pConfig... // ... free(pConfig); } return 0; } ``` 2. 将Config结构体存为json格式,保存到文件Config.json的程序: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX_SECTION_NUM 10 #define MAX_KEY_NUM 10 #define MAX_NAME_LEN 20 #define MAX_VALUE_LEN 20 typedef struct tagKey { char *szName; char *szValue; } Key; typedef struct tagSection { char *szName; int nKeyNum; Key *pKeys; } Section; typedef struct tagConfig { int nSectionNum; Section *pSections; } Config; void WriteJsonString(FILE *fp, const char *szStr) { fputc('"', fp); while (*szStr) { if (*szStr == '\\' || *szStr == '"') { fputc('\\', fp); } fputc(*szStr, fp); szStr++; } fputc('"', fp); } void WriteJsonKey(FILE *fp, const Key *pKey) { WriteJsonString(fp, pKey->szName); fputc(':', fp); WriteJsonString(fp, pKey->szValue); } void WriteJsonSection(FILE *fp, const Section *pSection) { WriteJsonString(fp, pSection->szName); fputc(':', fp); fputc('{', fp); int i; for (i = 0; i < pSection->nKeyNum; i++) { WriteJsonKey(fp, &(pSection->pKeys[i])); if (i < pSection->nKeyNum-1) fputc(',', fp); } fputc('}', fp); } void WriteJsonConfig(FILE *fp, const Config *pConfig) { fputc('{', fp); WriteJsonString(fp, "Config"); fputc(':', fp); fputc('{', fp); int i; for (i = 0; i < pConfig->nSectionNum; i++) { WriteJsonSection(fp, &(pConfig->pSections[i])); if (i < pConfig->nSectionNum-1) fputc(',', fp); } fputc('}', fp); fputc('}', fp); } Config* LoadConfig(const char* szFile) { char buf[1024]; FILE *fp = fopen(szFile, "r"); if (!fp) { printf("Cannot open file %s!\n", szFile); return NULL; } Config *pConfig = (Config*)malloc(sizeof(Config)); memset(pConfig, 0, sizeof(Config)); Section *pSection = NULL; Key *pKey = NULL; int nLine = 0; while (fgets(buf, 1024, fp)) { nLine++; char *szTrim = buf; while (*szTrim == ' ' || *szTrim == '\t') szTrim++; if (*szTrim == ';' || *szTrim == '#' || *szTrim == '\r' || *szTrim == '\n') continue; if (*szTrim == '[') { char *szEnd = strchr(szTrim+1, ']'); if (!szEnd) { printf("Error in line %d: invalid section!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } *szEnd = '\0'; pSection = (Section*)malloc(sizeof(Section)); memset(pSection, 0, sizeof(Section)); pSection->szName = strdup(szTrim+1); if (pConfig->nSectionNum >= MAX_SECTION_NUM) { printf("Error in line %d: too many sections!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pSection); free(pConfig); return NULL; } pConfig->pSections[pConfig->nSectionNum++] = *pSection; free(pSection); pSection = &(pConfig->pSections[pConfig->nSectionNum-1]); } else { if (!pSection) { printf("Error in line %d: no section defined!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } char *szEqual = strchr(szTrim, '='); if (!szEqual) { printf("Error in line %d: invalid key-value pair!\n", nLine); fclose(fp); free(pConfig); return NULL; } *szEqual = '\0'; pKey = (Key*)malloc(sizeof(Key)); memset(pKey, 0, sizeof(Key)); pKey->szName = strdup(szTrim); pKey->szValue = strdup(szEqual+1); if (pSection->nKeyNum >= MAX_KEY_NUM) { printf("Error in line %d: too many keys in section %s!\n", nLine, pSection->szName); fclose(fp); free(pKey); free(pConfig); return NULL; } pSection->pKeys[pSection->nKeyNum++] = *pKey; free(pKey); } } fclose(fp); return pConfig; } int main() { Config *pConfig = LoadConfig("Edvr.cfg"); if (pConfig) { FILE *fp = fopen("Config.json", "w"); if (fp) { WriteJsonConfig(fp, pConfig); fclose(fp); } // Do something with pConfig... // ... free(pConfig); } return 0; } ```








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1. 可见光定位LED型号:一般可使用5mm或3mm的普通白色LED,也可以选择专门用于定位的LED,例如OSRAM公司的SFH 4715AS或Vishay公司的VLMU3500-385-120。 2. 供电硬件型号:可以使用常见的直流电源供电,也可以选择专门的LED驱动器,例如Meanwell公司的ELG-75-C或ELG-150-C系列。 3. 广角镜头和探测器型号:一般可采用广角透镜和CMOS摄像头或光电二极管探测器,例如Omron公司的B5W-LA或Murata公司的IRS-B210ST01。 4. 实验设计流程步骤: 1)确定实验目的和研究对象,例如车辆或机器人的定位和导航。

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