# Step 1 import set up turtle and Screenimport turtleimport randoms = turtle.Screen()s.title("Pong")s.bgcolor("black")s.setup(width=600, height=400) # Step 2 Create ballball = turtle.Turtle()ball.speed(0)ball.shape("circle")ball.color("white")ball.penup()ball.goto(0, 0)ball.dx = 4ball.dy = 4 # Step 3 Create AI paddleai = turtle.Turtle()ai.speed(0)ai.shape("square")ai.color("white")ai.penup()ai.goto(-250, 0)ai.shapesize(stretch_wid=5, stretch_len=1) # Step 4 Create a paddle For Youyou = turtle.Turtle()you.speed(0)you.shape("square")you.color("white")you.penup()you.goto(250, 0)you.shapesize(stretch_wid=5, stretch_len=1) # Step 5 Create Function to move AI paddledef move_ai_paddle(): y = ball.ycor() if y > 0: ai.sety(ai.ycor() + 2) else: ai.sety(ai.ycor() - 2) # Step 6 Create a Function to move the your paddledef paddle2_up(): y = you.ycor() y += 20 you.sety(y) def paddle2_down(): y = you.ycor() y -= 20 you.sety(y)# Your Paddle control it with keys.listen()s.onkeypress(paddle2_up, "Up")s.onkeypress(paddle2_down, "Down") # Step 7 Start the game with a while loopwhile True: s.update() # Move the ball ball.setx(ball.xcor() + ball.dx) ball.sety(ball.ycor() + ball.dy) # Check for collisions with the walls if ball.ycor() > 190 or ball.ycor() < -190: ball.dy *= -1 # Move the robot paddle towards the ball if ball.ycor() > ai.ycor(): ai.sety(ai.ycor() + 4) elif ball.ycor() < ai.ycor(): ai.sety(ai.ycor() - 4) # Check for end game conditions if ball.xcor() > 300: turtle.textinput("Game End", "You Loss Pong Game With AI!") break if ball.xcor() < -300: turtle.textinput("Game End", "You Win Pong Game With AI!") break # Check for collisions with the robot paddle if (ball.xcor() < -240 and ball.xcor() > -250) and (ball.ycor() < ai.ycor() + 40 and ball.ycor() > ai.ycor() - 40): if random.random() < 0.9: # 90% chance of collision ball.dx *= -1 # Check for collisions with the user paddle if (ball.xcor() > 240 and ball.xcor() < 250) and (ball.ycor() < you.ycor() + 40 and ball.ycor() > you.ycor() - 40): ball.dx *= -1 turtle.exitonclick()

时间: 2023-06-26 13:09:39 浏览: 54
这是一段 Python 代码,用 Turtle 库实现了一个 Pong 游戏。游戏中有一个球和两个挡板,其中一个挡板由 AI 控制,另一个挡板由玩家控制。玩家需要通过控制自己的挡板来击打球,让球不落入自己的底线,同时也要尽量让球落入对手的底线。如果球落入了玩家的底线,玩家就输了;如果球落入了对手的底线,玩家就赢了。游戏中还有一些其他的功能,比如碰撞检测、移动控制等。

修改代码使图中的小圆绕大圆圈的圆心以200圈每秒的速度进行圆周运动:import turtle import math # Set up the turtle screen screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bgcolor("white") screen.title("Circle with Moving Black Dot") # Create the turtle for drawing the circle circle_turtle = turtle.Turtle() circle_turtle.speed(0) circle_turtle.hideturtle() circle_turtle.penup() circle_turtle.goto(0, -80) circle_turtle.pendown() circle_turtle.color("black") circle_turtle.circle(80, 2880) # Create the turtle for drawing the black dot dot_turtle = turtle.Turtle() dot_turtle.speed(0) dot_turtle.hideturtle() dot_turtle.penup() dot_turtle.goto(40, 0) dot_turtle.pendown() dot_turtle.color("black") dot_turtle.begin_fill() dot_turtle.circle(4) dot_turtle.end_fill() # Calculate the angle increment for each frame of animation angle_increment = 1 / 60 # 200 degrees per second, 60 frames per second # Animate the movement of the black dot while True: dot_turtle.clear() angle = dot_turtle.heading() + angle_increment x = 40 * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) y = 40 * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) dot_turtle.goto(x, y) dot_turtle.begin_fill() dot_turtle.circle(6) # 小圆 dot_turtle.end_fill()

可以使用Python的time模块来控制圆周运动的速度,修改代码如下: ```python import turtle import math import time # Set up the turtle screen screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bgcolor("white") screen.title("Circle with Moving Black Dot") # Create the turtle for drawing the circle circle_turtle = turtle.Turtle() circle_turtle.speed(0) circle_turtle.hideturtle() circle_turtle.penup() circle_turtle.goto(0, -80) circle_turtle.pendown() circle_turtle.color("black") circle_turtle.circle(80, 2880) # Create the turtle for drawing the black dot dot_turtle = turtle.Turtle() dot_turtle.speed(0) dot_turtle.hideturtle() dot_turtle.penup() dot_turtle.goto(40, 0) dot_turtle.pendown() dot_turtle.color("black") dot_turtle.begin_fill() dot_turtle.circle(4) dot_turtle.end_fill() # Calculate the angle increment for each frame of animation angle_increment = 200 / 60 # 200 degrees per second, 60 frames per second # Animate the movement of the black dot while True: dot_turtle.clear() angle = dot_turtle.heading() + angle_increment x = 80 * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) y = 80 * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) dot_turtle.goto(x, y) dot_turtle.begin_fill() dot_turtle.circle(6) # 小圆 dot_turtle.end_fill() time.sleep(1/60) # 控制运动速度 ``` 在上面的代码中,我们使用了time.sleep()函数来控制小圆的运动速度,将每帧的时间间隔设置为1/60秒。这样,小圆每秒绕大圆圈转200圈,同时每秒刷新60次界面,就可以实现流畅的圆周运动。

import turtle turtle.pensize(2) d = 0 ######FILL###### for i in range(1,9): ######FILL###### turtle.fd(100) ######FILL###### d += 45 turtle.seth(d)

这是一个使用Turtle库在Python中绘制八角星的代码。以下是代码的解释: 1. 导入turtle库 ```python import turtle ``` 2. 设置画笔粗细为2 ```python turtle.pensize(2) ``` 3. 初始化旋转角度为0 ```python d = 0 ``` 4. 循环8次,绘制八个线段 ```python for i in range(1, 9): ``` 5. 在循环中,先填充图形 ```python turtle.begin_fill() ``` 6. 移动100个像素单位的距离 ```python turtle.fd(100) ``` 7. 结束填充 ```python turtle.end_fill() ``` 8. 旋转45度 ```python d += 45 turtle.seth(d) ``` 9. 最后调用done()方法,保持窗口不退出 ```python turtle.done() ``` 这段代码将会绘制一个八角星形状,每条线段长度为100像素,填充颜色为当前画笔颜色。




Python turtle画图库&&画姓名实例

今天小编就为大家分享一篇Python turtle画图库&&画姓名实例,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧


最近学习了海龟画图科赫...import turtle as t def fork(l): #定义分支的左右叉函数 t.pendown() t.left(60) t.fd(l) t.penup() t.fd(-l) t.pendown() t.right(120) t.fd(l) t.penup() t.fd(-l) t.left(60)


turtle库 官方说明 全译本 python3.7, 本文档翻译了turtle的说明书,包括全部例子,文档格式word,








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![MATLAB遗传算法自动优化指南:解放算法调优,提升效率](https://help-static-aliyun-doc.aliyuncs.com/assets/img/zh-CN/8487939061/p208348.png) # 1. MATLAB遗传算法概述** 遗传算法是一种受生物进化启发的优化算法,它模拟了自然选择和遗传的过程。在MATLAB中,遗传算法工具箱提供了丰富的函数和类,用于创建和运行遗传算法。 **1.1 遗传算法的基本原理** 遗传算法的工作原理如下: - **初始化:**创建由随机个体组成的初始种群。 - **评估:**根据目标函数计算每个个体的适应度。 -

failed to register layer: ApplyLayer exit status 1 stdout: stderr: archive/tar: invalid tar header

很抱歉听到这个问题。这个错误通常是由于Docker镜像损坏或Docker存储库中缺少所需的图层引起的。您可以尝试以下几种方法来解决这个问题: 1. 清理Docker镜像和容器:使用命令“docker system prune”清理不再使用的Docker对象。 2. 检查Docker存储库:确保您正在使用可靠的Docker存储库,并检查是否存在所有必需的图层。 3. 重新下载Docker镜像:如果您确定问题是由于损坏的Docker镜像引起的,则可以尝试重新下载Docker镜像。 4. 更新Docker版本:如果您使用的是旧版Docker,则可能会出现此问题。尝试更新到最新版本的Docke

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