时间: 2024-10-26 12:02:53 浏览: 46
1. **初始化硬件外设**: 首先需要开启并配置USARTx peripheral (x代表4),通常涉及到GPIO管脚的设置,例如复用功能选择、晶振分频系数等。你可以通过`HAL_UART_Init()`函数初始化它,需要提供一些参数如波特率、数据位数、停止位、校验位等。
HAL_UART_MspInit(&huart4); // 初始化物理层资源
2. **设置模式**: 根据应用场景选择工作模式,比如普通模式(USART_Mode_Tx)、接收模式(USART_Mode_Rx)、全双工模式(USART_Mode_TX_RX)等。
3. **启用中断**: 如果你需要利用中断处理接收或发送完成,可以开启相应的中断,并注册回调函数。例如:
HAL_NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART4_IRQn); // 启动中断
HAL_UART_ITConfig(&huart4, UART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE); // 接收就绪中断
4. **打开端口**: 最后,启用UART模块:
HAL_UART_Start(&huart4); // 开始传输
stm32f1 uart4
UART4 is a peripheral device available on STM32F1 microcontrollers. It is a universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter that allows serial communication with other devices, such as sensors, displays, or other microcontrollers.
The UART4 peripheral on STM32F1 microcontrollers has the following features:
- Full-duplex communication (simultaneous transmission and reception)
- Programmable baud rate generator (up to 10 Mbit/s)
- 8-bit or 9-bit data format
- Parity bit generation and detection (even, odd, or no parity)
- Interrupt generation on receive and/or transmit complete, errors, or idle line detection.
To use UART4 on STM32F1 microcontrollers, the following steps are typically required:
1. Configure the GPIO pins for UART4 Tx and Rx.
2. Enable the clock for UART4.
3. Configure the UART4 registers for the desired communication parameters, such as baud rate, data format, and parity.
4. Enable the UART4 interrupt (if desired) and set up the interrupt service routine.
5. Start the UART4 communication by writing data to the Tx register and/or reading data from the Rx register.
Note that the specific steps required may vary depending on the application and the desired communication protocol. It is also important to consult the STM32F1 reference manual for more detailed information on the UART4 peripheral and its registers.