时间: 2023-09-26 10:06:25 浏览: 190
### 回答1:
用 C 代码实现对称加密可以使用常用的库,如 OpenSSL。下面是一个简单的例子,使用 AES-128 作为对称加密算法,用于加密和解密一段文本。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/aes.h>
int encrypt(unsigned char *plaintext, int plaintext_len, unsigned char *key,
unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *ciphertext)
int len;
int ciphertext_len;
/* Create and initialise the context */
if (!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()))
return -1;
/* Initialise the encryption operation. AES-128-CBC. */
if (1 != EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv))
return -1;
/* Provide the message to be encrypted, and obtain the encrypted output.
* EVP_EncryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
if (1 != EVP_EncryptUpdate(ctx, ciphertext, &len, plaintext, plaintext_len))
return -1;
ciphertext_len = len;
/* Finalise the encryption. Further ciphertext bytes may be written at
* this stage.
if (1 != EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(ctx, ciphertext + len, &len))
return -1;
ciphertext_len += len;
/* Clean up */
return ciphertext_len;
int decrypt(unsigned char *ciphertext, int ciphertext_len, unsigned char *key,
unsigned char *iv, unsigned char *plaintext)
int len;
int plaintext_len;
/* Create and initialise the context */
if (!(ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()))
return -1;
/* Initialise the decryption operation. AES-128-CBC. */
if (1 != EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), NULL, key, iv))
return -1;
/* Provide the message to be decrypted, and obtain the plaintext output.
* EVP_DecryptUpdate can be called multiple times if necessary
if (1 != EVP_DecryptUpdate(ctx, plaintext, &len, ciphertext, ciphertext_len))
return -1;
plaintext_len = len;
/* Finalise the decryption. Further plaintext bytes may be written at
* this stage.
if (1
### 回答2:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// 定义加密卡结构
typedef struct {
unsigned char key[16]; // 密钥长度为16字节
} EncryptionCard;
// 加密函数
void encrypt(EncryptionCard *card, unsigned char *data, int length) {
// 使用AES算法进行对称加密
// 这里只是一个简单的示例,实际实现中应该使用更安全的加密算法
// 这里的代码只是为了演示目的,不应该用于实际的加密应用
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
data[i] = data[i] ^ card->key[i % 16];
int main() {
EncryptionCard card;
unsigned char data[] = "Hello, World!";
// 设置密钥
memcpy(card.key, "1234567890abcdef", 16);
// 对数据进行加密
encrypt(&card, data, sizeof(data) - 1);
// 输出加密后的数据
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(data) - 1; i++) {
printf("%02x ", data[i]);
return 0;