Reducing Bloom Filter CPU Overhead in LSM-Trees on Modern Storage Devices
时间: 2023-04-11 09:01:00 浏览: 220
作为一个 AI,我可以回答这个问题。LSM-Tree 是一种常用的键值存储引擎,它使用 Bloom Filter 来加速查询操作。然而,在现代存储设备上,Bloom Filter 的 CPU 开销可能会成为瓶颈。为了减少这种开销,可以使用一些技术,例如使用 SIMD 指令集、压缩 Bloom Filter 等。
(Collectors.reducing((c1,c2)->c1.getLeadScore()>c2.getLeadScore()?c1:c2), Optional::get)
这是一个 Java 8 中的 Collectors 类的 reducing 方法,用于将一个 Stream 中的元素按照某个规则进行归约操作,这里的规则是比较两个元素的 LeadScore 属性,返回 LeadScore 更高的那个元素。最后通过 Optional 类的 get 方法获取结果。
翻译:In threaded-code interpreters for Forth, and espe- cially in simple inline-expanding native-code com- pilers a significant part of the run-time is consumed by loading stack items from and storing them to memory, and by stack pointer updates. A frequent technique for reducing that overhead is to keep the top-of-stack in a register. Stack caching [Ert95] is a generalization of this technique. In the past we have presented data based on sim- ulations [Ert95], and timing data with restricted forms of stack caching: Gforth was only able to per- form single-state stack caching with one register, and static stack caching with the canonical state containing 0 or 1 registers [EG04]. In this paper, we describe how we lifted these restrictions (Section 3), and present empirical re- sults, including timing results for several different machines (Section 4).