时间: 2023-09-14 09:08:46 浏览: 144
function [bestSol, bestFit, Convergence_curve] = GWO_EPO(f, dim, lb,, maxIter, numPack, epoIter, epoSize, c1, c2)
% GWO_EPO: Grey wolf optimizer with elite predator operator
% Author: Haoping Bai
% Email:
% Parameter:
% f: function handle
% dim: dimension of problem
% lb: lower bound of decision variable
% ub: upper bound of decision variable
% maxIter: maximum number of iterations
% numPack: number of wolf packs
% epoIter: number of iterations of elite predator operator
% epoSize: number of wolves in elite predator operator
% c1: constant parameter
% c2: constant parameter
% Return:
% bestSol: best solution
% bestFit: best fitness
% Convergence_curve: convergence curve
% Initialize the alpha, beta, and delta positions
alpha_pos = zeros(1, dim);
alpha_score = Inf;
beta_pos = zeros(1, dim);
beta_score = Inf;
delta_pos = zeros(1, dim);
delta_score = Inf;
% Initialize the positions of grey wolves
positions = rand(numPack, dim) .* (ub - lb) + lb;
% Initialize convergence curve
Convergence_curve = zeros(1, maxIter);
% Main loop
for iter = 1 : maxIter
% Loop over all packs
for pack = 1 : numPack
% Calculate the fitness of the current wolf
fitness = f(positions(pack, :));
% Update alpha, beta, and delta
if fitness < alpha_score
delta_score = beta_score;
delta_pos = beta_pos;
beta_score = alpha_score;
beta_pos = alpha_pos;
alpha_score = fitness;
alpha_pos = positions(pack, :);
elseif fitness < beta_score
delta_score = beta_score;
delta_pos = beta_pos;
beta_score = fitness;
beta_pos = positions(pack, :);
elseif fitness < delta_score
delta_score = fitness;
delta_pos = positions(pack, :);
% Update the position of each wolf
for pack = 1 : numPack
a = 2 - iter * (2 / maxIter); % Calculate the value of parameter a
A = 2 * a * rand(1, dim) - a; % Calculate the coefficient A
C = 2 * rand(1, dim); % Calculate the coefficient C
D = abs(C .* alpha_pos - positions(pack, :)); % Calculate the distance to alpha
X1 = alpha_pos - A .* D; % Calculate the position of X1
D = abs(C .* beta_pos - positions(pack, :)); % Calculate the distance to beta
X2 = beta_pos - A .* D; % Calculate the position of X2
D = abs(C .* delta_pos - positions(pack, :)); % Calculate the distance to delta
X3 = delta_pos - A .* D; % Calculate the position of X3
positions(pack, :) = (X1 + X2 + X3) / 3; % Update the position of the current wolf
% Elite predator operator
if mod(iter, epoIter) == 0
% Sort the wolves by fitness
[~, idx] = sort(f(positions), 'descend');
elitePack = idx(1 : epoSize); % Select the elite wolves
preyPack = idx(epoSize + 1 : end); % Select the prey wolves
% Calculate the centroid of the elite wolves
centroid = mean(positions(elitePack, :));
% Update the position of the prey wolves
for i = preyPack
w = positions(i, :);
r1 = rand(1, dim);
r2 = rand(1, dim);
r3 = rand(1, dim);
w = w + (c1 * r1) .* (centroid - w) + (c2 * r2) .* (alpha_pos - w) + (c2 * r3) .* (beta_pos - w);
w = min(max(w, lb), ub); % Enforce the bounds
positions(i, :) = w;
% Record the best solution
Convergence_curve(iter) = alpha_score;
% Return the best solution
bestSol = alpha_pos;
bestFit = alpha_score;