AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'ravel'
时间: 2023-10-22 16:07:05 浏览: 124
This error message indicates that you are trying to use the "ravel" method on an integer object, which does not have this method.
The "ravel" method is used to convert a multi-dimensional array into a flattened 1D array. It can only be used on arrays, not on individual values.
To fix this error, you should check your code and make sure that you are using the "ravel" method on an array object, not on an integer.
AttributeError: int object has no attribute int
抱歉,根据提供的引用内容,无法回答“AttributeError: int object has no attribute int”的问题。但是,根据错误信息“AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'encode'”和“AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'endswith'”,可以得出结论:在代码中,将整数类型的变量当作字符串类型来使用了,而整数类型没有“encode”或“endswith”等字符串类型的属性,因此会出现“AttributeError”错误。
num = 123
str_num = str(num)
AttributeError:Car object has no attribute
"Car object has no attribute"这个错误提示的意思是:你尝试访问一个名为"Car"的对象的某个属性或方法,但该对象并没有这个属性或方法。
1. 你在代码中使用了一个不存在的属性或方法名;
2. 你没有正确地初始化该对象,导致它缺少某些必要的属性或方法。