@Library('Jenkinslib@master')_ // 共享库中提供的函数 def build = new org.devops.build() def deploy = new org.devops.deploy() def tools = new org.devops.tools() def gitlab = new org.devops.gitlab() def sonar = new org.devops.sonarqube() // env 环境变量 String buildShell = "${env.buildShell}" String buildType = "${env.buildType}" String deployHosts = "${env.deployHosts}" String srcUrl = "${env.srcUrl}" String branchName = "${env.branchName}" if("${runOpts}" == "GitlabPush"){ branchName = branch - "refs/heads/" currentBuild.description = "Trigger by ${userName} ${branch}" gitlab.ChangeCommitStatus(projectId,commitSha,"running") } pipeline{ agent { node { label "node01"}} stages{ stage("QA"){ steps{ script{ tools.PrintMes("执行代码扫描","green") //sonar.SonarScan("TEST","THISISATEST","${projectName}","src") } } } } } 上面的pipeline在运行过程中报错:ERROR: Credentials 'gitlab' is of type 'Username with password' where 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials' was expected 自己的"gitlab" 凭据配置的类型是 "Username with password"。请问是哪里出了问题?
时间: 2023-07-22 12:09:50 浏览: 246
1. 确保在Pipeline代码的其他部分没有使用与凭据相关的配置。特别是在 `gitlab.ChangeCommitStatus` 方法中,确保没有使用错误的凭据。
2. 检查 `gitlab.ChangeCommitStatus` 方法的参数,确保您正确传递了 `projectId` 和 `commitSha`。
3. 确保您在Jenkins中创建了与 `gitlab` 凭据相关联的全局或项目级凭据,并且这些凭据的类型正确。
4. 如果您的Jenkins版本较旧,请尝试升级到最新版本,以确保没有已知的错误或问题。