如何实现Knowledge-Guided Pre-training Model
时间: 2023-07-07 10:26:06 浏览: 183
1. 收集知识:从各种来源(如百科、教材、论文、问答社区等)收集相关知识,并将其转化为结构化的知识库。
2. 知识融合:将收集到的知识与原始的文本语料进行融合,生成包含知识的文本样本。
3. 预训练:使用大规模的语料对知识融合后的文本进行预训练,得到一个基于知识的语言模型。
4. 微调:将预训练好的模型应用到具体的任务中,并在任务数据集上进行微调,得到一个针对特定任务的模型。
TAR: SQL Guided Pre-Training for Context-dependent Text-to-SQL Parsing
TAR (Table-aware Pre-training with Abstract Reasoning) is a pre-training framework for context-dependent text-to-SQL parsing. It leverages SQL knowledge and utilizes abstract reasoning to better understand the context of a natural language query and generate accurate SQL queries.
The TAR model works by first pre-training on a large corpus of text and SQL pairs to learn the general patterns and structures of SQL queries. It then fine-tunes on a smaller dataset of context-dependent text-to-SQL examples to adapt to specific contexts and improve accuracy.
One unique aspect of TAR is its use of table-aware pre-training, which allows the model to incorporate information from the table schema into the pre-training process. This helps the model better understand the relationships between tables and columns, and improves its ability to generate accurate SQL queries.
TAR also incorporates abstract reasoning, which allows the model to make inferences and understand implicit relationships between words and concepts. This helps the model handle more complex queries and improves its overall performance.
Overall, TAR is a promising approach to improving context-dependent text-to-SQL parsing, and has shown strong results on several benchmark datasets.