add_if_exists = $(foreach d,$(1),$(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$(d)),$(d) ,)) the usage of wildcard and foreach

时间: 2023-10-09 09:10:10 浏览: 52
`wildcard` is a function in GNU Make that allows you to perform wildcard pattern matching on file names. It takes a pattern argument and returns a space-separated list of file names that match the pattern. For example, `$(wildcard *.c)` would return a list of all the `.c` files in the current directory. `foreach` is another function in GNU Make that allows you to iterate over a list of values and perform some action for each value. It takes two arguments: a variable name and a list of values. For each value in the list, the variable is set to that value and the specified action is performed. In the `add_if_exists` example you provided, `wildcard` is used to check if certain directories exist in the source tree. `foreach` is then used to iterate over a list of directories and call `wildcard` on each directory. If the directory exists, it is added to the return list. If it does not exist, it is skipped. Here is a breakdown of the `add_if_exists` code: ``` add_if_exists = $(foreach d,$(1),$(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$(d)),$(d),)) ``` - `add_if_exists` is a variable that contains the function definition. - `$(1)` is a reference to the first argument passed to the function. - `foreach d,$(1),` sets up a loop that iterates over the values in the first argument and sets the variable `d` to each value in turn. - `$(wildcard $(srctree)/$(d))` performs wildcard pattern matching on the directory `$(srctree)/$(d)` to see if it exists. - `$(if $(wildcard $(srctree)/$(d)),$(d),)` is a conditional statement that returns `$(d)` if the directory exists, or an empty string if it doesn't. - The overall effect is to return a space-separated list of directories that exist in the source tree.


完善代码  do_upload_new.php (用于实现防护) <?php include_once "functions.php"; if(___________)//如果不存在 session start_session($expires); if(! isset($_SESSION['username'])) { exit('您没有权限访问此页面'); } if (!isset($_POST['upload'])) { exit('请选择需要上传的文件'); } if($_POST['path'] != 'uploads' && $_POST['path'] != 'face')/*判断 路径变量*/ { exit('路径错误'); } $target_path = 'c:/uploads/' . $_POST['path'];/*设置非 web 目录保存 文件*/ $uploaded_name = $_FILES['file']['name']; /*上传文件名*/ $temp = explode(".", $uploaded_name);/*以’.’为分隔符将字符串打散 为数组*/ $uploaded_type = ______; //end 函数获取文件后缀 $uploaded_size = $_FILES['file'][____];//$_FILES 函数获取文件大小 if($uploaded_size > 1000000) { exit('文件超过 1M 字节,上传失败'); } if(_________________________________/*strtolower()处理文件后缀*/ _________________________________ _________________________________ ) { exit('文件类型错误,上传失败'); } $fname = md5( time() . $uploaded_name ) . '.' . $uploaded_type;/* 对文件名进行 md5()处理,文件重命名*/ $target_path = $target_path . '/' . ________;//文件名 while(true) { if(!file_exists($target_path)) break; else { $fname = md5( time() . $uploaded_name ) . '.' . $uploaded_type; $target_path = $target_path . '/' . $fname; } } if(!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo '内部错误,上传失败'; } else { echo htmlspecialchars($uploaded_name) . ' 上传成功! 当前文件名 为' .$fname; } ?>



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首先,你需要运行一个ChitGPT的服务器,然后通过Android应用程序与该服务器进行通信。以下是一个简单的Android应用程序示例,可以与ChitGPT进行通信: 1. 首先,在Android Studio中创建一个新的项目,并添加以下依赖项: ``` implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.0' implementation '' ``` 2. 创建一个新的Java类,用于与ChitGPT服务器通信。以下是一个简单的实现: ```java import com.