BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS condhd-table_no 这个参数的解释,请用中文解释
时间: 2024-03-29 07:36:25 浏览: 74
"condhd-table_no" 是 SAP 系统中调用 BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS 函数模块时所需要的一个参数。根据 SAP 的文档,这个参数是一个结构体类型,用于指定价格条件记录的表格编号。因为在 SAP 中一个采购订单可能包含多个条件记录,所以需要使用表格编号来指定需要处理的条件记录所在的表格。具体的使用方法需要参考 SAP 的官方文档或者相关的开发文档。
BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS 帮我解释这个baipi里面 每个参数的用法
Sure, here's an explanation of the parameters used in the BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS:
1. MATERIAL: This parameter is used to specify the material or product number for which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
2. SALES_ORG: This parameter is used to specify the sales organization for which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
3. DISTR_CHAN: This parameter is used to specify the distribution channel for which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
4. DIVISION: This parameter is used to specify the division for which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
5. CURRENCY: This parameter is used to specify the currency in which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
6. CONDITION_TYPE: This parameter is used to specify the type of pricing condition for which pricing information is to be retrieved.
7. VALID_FROM: This parameter is used to specify the starting date from which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
8. VALID_TO: This parameter is used to specify the ending date up to which pricing conditions are to be retrieved.
9. RETURN: This parameter is used to specify the type of information to be returned by the API (such as pricing condition values, text descriptions, or error messages).
Hope this helps!
需要注意的是,在调用BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS之前,你需要先进行用户认证和权限检查,以确保用户具有足够的权限来执行该BAPI。同时,为了更好地使用BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS,建议你先熟悉SAP ERP系统中的采购订单和价格条件的相关知识。