EN-DC activated
时间: 2024-08-15 19:07:32 浏览: 40
EN-standalone Dual Connectivity)是一种5G网络架构的一部分,它允许设备同时连接到两个独立的LTE(4G)和NR(5G)网络。在这种模式下,手机可以利用LTE网络作为控制面(用于信令),而利用5G网络提供更大的带宽、更低的延迟作为用户面(承载数据)。这种双连接技术旨在提升5G的性能和覆盖能力,尤其是在4G网络信号较强但5G信号较弱的地方。EN-DC有助于无缝过渡到5G,并充分利用现有的4G基础设施。
利用keep-alive activated来解决页面返回后数据丢失的问题
当我们在页面跳转时,浏览器会默认刷新页面,这就导致了数据的丢失。为了避免这种情况,我们可以使用 `keep-alive` 组件来缓存页面数据,以便在页面返回时能够继续使用。
`keep-alive` 组件是 Vue.js 的内置组件,它可以缓存组件的状态或 DOM,从而避免多次渲染和重复请求数据,提高页面性能和用户体验。
要使用 `keep-alive` 组件,只需要在需要缓存的组件标签外包裹一个 `<keep-alive>` 标签即可。例如:
需要注意的是,使用 `keep-alive` 缓存组件时,组件的生命周期钩子函数会发生变化,具体可以参考 Vue 官方文档对 `keep-alive` 的介绍。
Program a voice-activated light bulb
As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to physically program a voice-activated light bulb. However, I can provide you with some general steps that can be taken to create one.
1. Choose a voice recognition platform: There are many voice recognition platforms available such as Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant. Choose the one that works best for you.
2. Get a smart bulb: Choose a smart bulb that is compatible with your chosen voice recognition platform. Philips Hue, LIFX, and Sylvania are some of the popular brands.
3. Connect the bulb: Follow the instructions provided by the smart bulb manufacturer to connect the bulb with your chosen voice recognition platform.
4. Set up voice commands: Set up voice commands that will activate the light bulb. For example, you could say "Turn on the light" or "Dim the light to 50%".
5. Test: Test the voice commands to make sure they work correctly.
6. Enjoy: Once everything is set up, you can enjoy your voice-activated light bulb!