import tensorflow as tf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # List of names for each CIFAR10 class cifar10_class_names = { 0: "Plane", 1: "Car", 2: "Bird", 3: "Cat", 4: "Deer", 5: "Dog", 6: "Frog", 7: "Horse", 8: "Boat", 9: "Truck" } # Load the entire data set (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data() # Loop through each picture in the data set for i in range(1000): # Grab an image from the data set sample_image = x_train[i] # Grab the image's expected class id image_class_number = y_train[i][0] # Look up the class name from the class id image_class_name = cifar10_class_names[image_class_number] # Draw the image as a plot plt.imshow(sample_image) # Label the image plt.title(image_class_name) # Show the plot on the screen代码解释
时间: 2024-04-17 21:29:32 浏览: 155
这段代码是用来加载并展示CIFAR10数据集中的图像和对应的标签。首先,通过调用`tf.keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data()`函数来加载CIFAR10数据集,将训练集和测试集分别赋值给`(x_train, y_train)`和`(x_test, y_test)`。