时间: 2024-11-13 21:20:10 浏览: 4
在MATLAB中,你可以使用` Communications Toolbox `的函数来生成8PSK信号并添加噪声,然后绘制不同噪声方差下的星座图。以下是基本步骤:
1. **安装所需工具箱** (如果你还没有安装Communications Toolbox):
if ~isToolboxInstalled('comm')
error("Communications Toolbox is required for this example.")
2. **设置信号参数**:
symbol_rate = 1e6; % Symbol rate in Hz
baud_rate = 2; % Baud rate (8PSK uses 2 symbols per baud)
num_symbols = 1000; % Number of symbols to plot
% Create an 8PSK modulator object
pskmod = comm.PSKModulator('BitInput', true, 'PhaseShifts', [0 pi/4 pi/2 3*pi/4], 'SampleRate', symbol_rate);
3. **创建无噪声信号**:
bit_vector = randi([0 1], num_symbols, 1); % Random binary sequence
noise_free_signal = pskmod(bit_vector);
4. **添加不同噪声方差**:
snr_db = [0 0.1 0.5]; % Signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) in dB
noise_std_dev = sqrt(10.^(-snr_db / 10)); % Convert SNR to standard deviation for Gaussian noise
for i = 1:length(snr_db)
noisy_signal = noise_free_signal + randn(size(noise_free_signal)) * noise_std_dev(i);
5. **绘制星座图**:
for i = 1:length(snr_db)
% Plot the constellation diagram with legend for each SNR
title(sprintf("8PSK Constellation with Noise Variance = %.2f dB", snr_db(i)));
scatter(real(noisy_signal), imag(noisy_signal), '.');
hold on;
legend({'Noise Free', sprintf('SNR = %.1f dB', snr_db(i))});
hold off;
% Show or save the figure
axis([-3 3 -3 3]); % Set axis limits
xlabel('In-phase (I)'); ylabel('Quadrature (Q)');