
时间: 2023-08-14 07:05:47 浏览: 48
以下是一个简单的编译器设计与实现流程图: 1. 词法分析器(Lexical Analyzer):将源代码分解成词法单元(Lexeme),并将它们分类为不同的 Token。 2. 语法分析器(Syntax Analyzer):根据语法规则,将词法单元组成的 Token 序列转换为语法树(Parse Tree)。 3. 语义分析器(Semantic Analyzer):对语法树进行分析,检测语义错误,并生成中间代码(Intermediate Code)。 4. 优化器(Optimizer):对中间代码进行优化,以提高程序的性能。 5. 代码生成器(Code Generator):将优化后的中间代码转换为目标代码(Target Code)。 以下是一个简单的编译器设计与实现伪代码设计参考示例: 1. 词法分析器(Lexical Analyzer): ``` while (there are still characters in the input stream) { read the next character; if (the character is a whitespace) ignore it; else if (the character is a letter) read the rest of the identifier; if (the identifier is a keyword) emit a keyword token; else emit an identifier token; else if (the character is a digit) read the rest of the number; emit a number token; else if (the character is a symbol) emit a symbol token; else emit an error token; } ``` 2. 语法分析器(Syntax Analyzer): ``` function parse_expression() { if (the next token is a number or identifier) return the token; else if (the next token is a symbol) if (the symbol is a left parenthesis) left_operand = parse_expression(); operator = parse_operator(); right_operand = parse_expression(); if (the next token is a right parenthesis) return the result of applying the operator to the operands; else emit a syntax error; else emit a syntax error; else emit a syntax error; } function parse_operator() { if (the next token is a symbol) return the token; else emit a syntax error; } function parse_statement() { if (the next token is an identifier) identifier = the token; if (the next token is an assignment symbol) expression = parse_expression(); emit the assignment statement; else emit a syntax error; else emit a syntax error; } function parse_program() { while (there are still tokens in the input stream) statement = parse_statement(); emit the statement; } ``` 3. 语义分析器(Semantic Analyzer): ``` function analyze_expression(expression) { if (expression is a number) return the number; else if (expression is an identifier) if (the identifier is in the symbol table) return the value of the identifier; else emit an undefined variable error; else if (expression is a binary operation) left_operand = analyze_expression(expression.left_operand); right_operand = analyze_expression(expression.right_operand); operator = expression.operator; if (operator is addition) return left_operand + right_operand; else if (operator is subtraction) return left_operand - right_operand; else if (operator is multiplication) return left_operand * right_operand; else if (operator is division) return left_operand / right_operand; else emit an unknown operator error; } function analyze_statement(statement) { if (statement is an assignment) identifier = statement.identifier; expression = analyze_expression(statement.expression); if (the identifier is in the symbol table) update the value of the identifier in the symbol table; else add the identifier and its value to the symbol table; } function analyze_program(program) { for each statement in the program analyze_statement(statement); } ``` 4. 优化器(Optimizer): ``` function optimize_expression(expression) { if (expression is a number or identifier) return the expression; else if (expression is a binary operation) left_operand = optimize_expression(expression.left_operand); right_operand = optimize_expression(expression.right_operand); operator = expression.operator; if (left_operand is a number and right_operand is a number) evaluate the operation and return the result; else if (left_operand is 0 and operator is addition) return right_operand; else if (right_operand is 0 and operator is addition) return left_operand; else if (left_operand is 0 and operator is subtraction) return -right_operand; else if (right_operand is 0 and operator is subtraction) return left_operand; else if (left_operand is 1 and operator is multiplication) return right_operand; else if (right_operand is 1 and operator is multiplication) return left_operand; else if (left_operand is 0 or right_operand is 0) return 0; else return the optimized expression; } function optimize_statement(statement) { if (statement is an assignment) identifier = statement.identifier; expression = optimize_expression(statement.expression); return the optimized assignment statement; } function optimize_program(program) { for each statement in the program optimized_statement = optimize_statement(statement); emit the optimized statement; } ``` 5. 代码生成器(Code Generator): ``` function generate_expression(expression) { if (expression is a number) return "PUSH " + expression; else if (expression is an identifier) return "PUSH " + identifier_value; else if (expression is a binary operation) left_code = generate_expression(expression.left_operand); right_code = generate_expression(expression.right_operand); operator = expression.operator; if (operator is addition) return left_code + right_code + "ADD"; else if (operator is subtraction) return left_code + right_code + "SUB"; else if (operator is multiplication) return left_code + right_code + "MUL"; else if (operator is division) return left_code + right_code + "DIV"; else emit an unknown operator error; } function generate_statement(statement) { if (statement is an assignment) identifier = statement.identifier; expression = statement.expression; expression_code = generate_expression(expression); return expression_code + "POP " + identifier_value; } function generate_program(program) { for each statement in the program statement_code = generate_statement(statement); emit statement_code; } ```






编译原理实验一——C 语言词法分析器设计与实现


编译器的设计与实现 编译原理课程设计 完整报告 总结

编译器的设计与实现 编译原理课程设计 完整报告 总结编译器的设计与实现 编译原理课程设计 完整报告 总结编译器的设计与实现 编译原理课程设计 完整报告 总结


编译原理课程设计修改PL0编译器 对PL/0作以下修改扩充: 1.增加单词:保留字 ELSE,FOR,TO,DOWNTO,RETURN 运算符 +=,-=,++,--, 2.修改单词:不等号# 改为 3.增加条件语句的ELSE子句






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Minorization-maximization (MM) algorithm是一种常用的优化算法,用于求解非凸问题或含有约束的优化问题。该算法的基本思想是通过构造一个凸下界函数来逼近原问题,然后通过求解凸下界函数的最优解来逼近原问题的最优解。具体步骤如下: 1. 初始化参数 $\theta_0$,设 $k=0$; 2. 构造一个凸下界函数 $Q(\theta|\theta_k)$,使其满足 $Q(\theta_k|\theta_k)=f(\theta_k)$; 3. 求解 $Q(\theta|\theta_k)$ 的最优值 $\theta_{k+1}=\arg\min_\theta Q(

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