口具体要求如下: 1.基于之前的作业,实现一个多用户参与的区块链网络;2分 2.需要有共识机制;2分 3.分别通过2个智能合约模拟一个电商售卖货物、收款的行为;分别通过2个智能合约模拟 用户购买货物、支付;4分 4.调用智能合约需要付出数字货币。2分 python完整代码及解析
时间: 2024-12-25 15:30:36 浏览: 10
from web3 import Web3
from solc import compile_source
import json
# 配置节点连接信息
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_PROJECT_ID"))
# 编译并部署智能合约
contract_code = """
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Marketplace {
address payable public seller;
uint256 public itemPrice;
function sellItem(uint256 _price) public payable {
require(msg.value == _price, "Payment amount does not match the price.");
seller = payable(msg.sender);
itemPrice = _price;
function buyItem() public payable {
require(seller != address(0), "Item not for sale.");
require(msg.value >= itemPrice, "Insufficient payment.");
seller = address(0); // Reset seller to avoid double purchase
compiled_sol = compile_source(contract_code)
abi = compiled_sol['<stdin>:Marketplace']['abi']
bytecode = compiled_sol['<stdin>:Marketplace']['bin']
# 创建合约实例
contract_address = w3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode).deploy()
seller_address = contract_address.address
# 模拟用户操作
seller_w3 = Web3(w3.eth.contract(address=seller_address))
buyer_w3 = Web3(w3)
# 卖家部署物品并设置价格
seller_w3.functions.sellItem(100_wei).transact({"from": YOUR_SALEMER_ADDRESS})
# 用户购买物品并支付
buyer_w3.eth.sendTransaction({"to": seller_address, "value": 100_wei}) # 调用buyItem函数并支付
# 注意:这只是一个基础示例,实际应用中你需要处理更复杂的情况,比如事件监听、错误处理以及去中心化身份验证等。