wireshark time to live
时间: 2023-10-29 16:39:39 浏览: 115
Time to Live (TTL) is a field in the IP header that is used to limit the lifespan of a packet in the network. When a packet is sent, the TTL value is set to a specific number, which is decremented by one at each network hop. If the TTL value reaches zero, the packet is discarded.
Wireshark displays the TTL value of each packet in the "Time to live" field in the IP header section of the packet details pane. This can be useful for troubleshooting network issues, as it provides insight into the number of network hops a packet has taken, and whether the TTL value is too low or too high. A low TTL value can cause packets to be dropped before reaching their destination, while a high TTL value can result in unnecessary network traffic.